Friday, February 20, 2004

hmm so thursday...first thing i did was miss my fund. of mass communication class cuz i'm stupid and overslept. I have a problem w/ telling AM from PM on my alarm. So i set my alarm for 8:50 pm instead of AM. I woke up at 11 for my class at 10. I decided it wasn't worth it to try to go, plus they ended up gettin out an hour early so when Amy came back at 11:30 we went straight to lunch for the Chicken Caesar salad....they only do this like once a semester and it's sooo goood. We both had two plates cuz we had to cherish it lol. Maybe we'll luck out and they'll do it again. Or maybe i can write one of those comments on the bored there requesting more CCS days. ok next.

Amy, greg and I watched the OC that we taped. It's so awesome that greg likes the show lol! The OC rocks. I don't care if you call it a soap opera or w/e. it's so awesome!

Then i had class at 3:30. Once again- i hate writing for the media. the prof is good but i don't like the ppl and the paper she made us write last week was just hard and it took me like 5 hours to write and it was only 2 pages so i don't get it. But i ended up reading mine in class, she liked it but i have to add some more quotes, just like 2 though.

Then i had math where we had a sub and watched "Fractals: The colors of infinity" What a trippy movie. You know those color circles that were all psychedelic from the 60's? This movie was filled with them. Yes, they are fractals, but that was all they showed. And all this jimi hendrix style music was in the back. If you ever needed to smoke a blunt to understand something, this was the time.

So after that atrocity, i came back to the dorm and watchedc friends, then after procrastinating for forever, me, greg, greg, meredith and eventually susan and josh played cranium. Boys against girls. The guys kicked our ass...even tho greg couldn't spell mississippi.
Greg S: That's so easy! M-I-S-S-I-S-S-S-I-P-P...wait...
lol...but he did finally get it right, good thing, or we woulda had to send him back to the third grade...haha

Then me, greg^2 and josh played catch phrase where some more stupid things were said. i'm sure you can find them all in greg k.s subprofile of greg s.'s blog cuz i don't feel like writing them all.

then me and greg s watched some undergrads and just talked for a while. He is a good friend to talk to about w/e. Then amy came back and we just chatted for a while and then i went over to 305 to go to sleep in jeffs room.

I'll save what i did friday till later when i'm bored and feel like posting. It hasn't really been much tho i can tell you that. But i can tell you that i know my calculus and it says you + me = us.

mood: chillen
music: new kids on the block - the right stuff

ps- i got a letter in the mail today, I made the dean's list last semester! how fun :)


At 5:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually, lots of things are easy. Your title sounds imbalanced.


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