Sunday, February 08, 2004

well, meredith is in the shower, then amy is taking a shower so i have a little while before i can take mine. sooo in the mean time, let me report on the past 24 hours.

I had to beat jeff and greg to wake up at 3:30 yesterday...thats pathetic i know but they were quite stubborn about it. I finally got them up around 4 and by the time they were dressed and ready (they take so long! haha jk) it was like dinner time so we all went to the birch. The salad was good. :)

So then me and greg decided we were gonna go to paramus park mall, jeff didn't feel like going cuz he had no money and watching me shop is not really one of his hobby's so he stayed back. This was the first time i went to paramus park and it was pretty cool. after searching thru all the stores i finally found a good, reasonably priced bag at old navy. It's really cool and it fits my book perfectly :) so i'm glad i got to do that...and then greg and i spent like an hour in suncoast trying to pick out good movies for the 2 for 20 deal. I just ended getting jim bruer- hardcore cuz i remember always wanting it and thinking it was really funny. It turned out to be ok. i think i remember a lot from it so it wasn't as fresh to me, but it was still funny. There was also this weird kid there that really reminded me of mike cuz he was talking to us about trying to throw a video in the space it went to or i can't explain it but it was really funny, this kid was so weird.

So after the mall (and the cinnobuns that were really good!) we went back to Greg's house. We basically took a long time trying to fill up his CD case with good CD's to take back to the po and that i could burn :) After that we headed back to home sweet po.
buuuut greg and his crazy driving got us pulled over. haha jk...well about the crazy driving. He was really just pulled over for a headlight being out, but it was still scary cuz he basically made it really obvious that he was gonna pull us over cuz he backed into a street and then came out right after us. so yes we were a little scared but it went over fine.

Back at the po it turned out that everyone had been drinking all nite. I'm now listening to a convo between amy and dana...neither one of them remembers much. I just slept in jeff's room last night, basically in the clothes i wore yesterday cuz i didn't want to go in my room cuz i didn't know what was going on in there if u know what i mean. i think i couldv'e tho now, but oh well it's not a big deal to me.

I stayed up until 6 in the morn cuz after talking w/ greg and listening to music and talking with jeff, jeff decided to play that age of empires game again so greg and i just watched some episodes of friends on DVD and then an episode of undergrads and some family guy. Finally jeff came back from 304 and we all went to bed. I woke up around i dunno...3:30? now i'm still waiting for that shower.

things that were funny:
Greg going into andy's room to get a tissue while andy is hypnotized by Age of emprires...>
greg: andy i'm gonna take this tissue ok?
andy: silence........silence.............mother fucker.

pats drunken delayed reaction laugh to something in friends

old navy promotion on buying sports balls (i swear to God we're not lying)
"Buy two balls for $5.00 OR buy one for $5.50"

sign on the wall: "Even in our busy schedules, we still find time to not care about kids" (i didn't get it either)

the kids running around the mall. damn one of them should have slammed right into the wall...

mood: dirty (?)
Music: authority zero - a passage in time (BEST song ever!)


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