Saturday, January 31, 2004

K time to do my final post....
at home....
till next time i'm home....

ok. Sooo I can't describe how happy i am to be going back to the po. I miss everyone and everything about it. I had a dream about going back there, that's how bad it is. Everyone gets a hug when i return!

So i worked was really easy. I think i'm returning to Reebok tho over break and summer...even tho they don't really know that haha. Anytime i get a new job, reebok gets mad at me and pulls me back in. I swear that job is WHACK.

Packing. Yeah. Enough said.

Greg S. told me to listen to a band called Silverstein. I've only heard one song so far cuz everytime i try to d/l one it doesn't work. But the song i did hear, "Smashed into pieces" was very good. I like them so far. good job greg!

i choke on my words. Listen.

I don't know...there was a bunch of stuff i was gonna say and now i can't remember a thing. I think this break was good. I am glad i got to see the ppl i wanted to see and hang out with my mom and family.

count the numbers on the clock. they stay the same...

I think it would be scary not just to spontaneously combust, but if your hand or some other ligament spontaneously caught on fire. I thought that about that today and that i would not like that to happen to me.

Today i saw a woman on the street have a stroke. I was looking at her as she made all these strange faces as the two men standing next to her held her. I didn't know she was having a stroke then. I then started driving again and then i saw her fall. I didn't know the faces were her in pain. I thought they were just strange. I looked away from her. Then i looked back and saw her fall.

I used to really like the post office. Now it freaks me out. There are pictures of all the ppl that are wanted. It's a quiet place usually. I hate parking there too. It used to all seem so friendly and now i don't like it. It's a strange feeling.

Ok...back to being consumed in a world of ramapo love...

mood: confused...also anxious
music: Maroon five - this love


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