Tuesday, October 07, 2003

first thing first my story for english is gonna be so good...if i don't get an A on it, then i don't know what is wrong w/ mista brown. He seems like a nice guy too. Anywho...i barely did anything today but sleep, go to class and eat. Mostly these things were done w/ Jeff. Except for going to class. He doesn't go there w/ me, even tho i invited him to choir. We figured out he must be a bass but he still didn't wanna go. Oh well i'll still like to spend the rest of my day w/ him there. Tonight is party night too and most of the ppl i know have no plans. This week sucks with homework even tho amy and i (and apparently other members of our class now haha) aren't going to class tomorrow. Our teacher is gonna be like what the hell, no one is here. Oh well, he shouldn't have given us such a stupid/hard speech to write.

At choir tonight all we did was sing this complicated version of Camptown Races. I hate to say it but i actually miss the coltonators way of teaching music. I mean tonight we split the guys and girls up, but the guys were with the student accompanist who isn't even that good so they didn't learn much. So our teacher teaches the altos the whole song first which takes like 20 min. Then she teaches the sops the whole song which took a little longer like a half hour. Then the guys come back complaining they learned nothing. So she basically had to teach the tenors and the basses separately their parts. It wasn't till about 7:40 (the class starts at 5:30) that we all sang the song together. By then the altos had forgotten everything, the sopranos had forgotten most, and the guys were still all confused. You can imagine the outcome. So now basically she spent two hours teaching us stuff that we forgot and willl continue to forget until next week. So what i'm saying is that maybe the coltonator should give our teacher (i forgot her name lol...they call her barbara tho cuz they are theater rats) some tips. I oh so often want to teach her the warmup of "little peanut butter man is dead" or "I owe you a very bright penny" or one of those gay red leather yellow leather things. Cuz all we do is "la la la la la la laaaa" every once in a while she gets spunky and makes us say a word like "shy" or tonights, "slide". True i don't have to sit through the pain of Ms. Edwards, "can you do that?" or "is that ok for you?" followed by a face of 'you are all dumbasses'...but still choir just ain't the same :(

Now tonight i shall see what it brings. Amy and i just took down our cable wire that was hanging from our sprinkler pipes (there was a good reason for it to be up there!) because we were inspected today and they kicked our asses for it. Another fish died today and was flushed down the toilet. I have come to find that we have flushed somewhere in the range of at least 3 and under 10 fish within our time here. Maybe my suitemates should face the fact that they are not good fish...keepers?

later my children~


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