Thursday, October 02, 2003

Good news, the centipede has been taken out of our sink by someone and the sink is clean once again. That and maintenance came and unclogged our shower so now the shower is a shower once again and not a bath. So what happend yesterday...not too much i guess. I was starting to feel really sick toward the end of the night so i really just wanted to rest. Jeff came over and we took a nap for like 4 hours after i wrote yesterday cuz we woke up at like a quarter to 9. It was so nice to sleep tho. After we got up we went to late night w/ Greg and we sorta rushed it cuz we wanted to see the season premiere of south park. So we go to Jeff's room after and put it on, only to learn that the premiere isn't until Oct 22nd! Rabble's was heard by all.

So after we watched the "my future self" episode of SP I felt like sleeping again so i fell asleep while jeff did his homework. Then i got up and went back to my room to make sure the competition is indeed next sunday the 11th and i stole a reese's from myself...for all of you who understand that good job. If not MAYBE YOU SHOULD SHOUT OUT! I think you guys are starting to understand i would really enjoy the shout out's but not all of you actually do it. Lucky understands that i will make death threats so she was smart in shouting out haha...tanks lucky!

So this morning I got up...i was actually tired even tho i got a tremendous amount of sleep yesterday. i think it's just the sickness thing. I don't know who to blame for this sickness of mine. It could have been my roomates Dana or Ashley cuz they have been sick. Greg was also sick for a mighty long time and jeff and i always went in his bed to watch South Park or Family guy so that was just a whole bed of germs...eewww thanks a lot greg haha...but then again it could very well be this weather because it's just been incredibly cold these last few days...hmm that could be my QUESTION OF THE DAY:

Who or what got me sick?

that is an answer i'd really like to know. So the rest of the day i feel like i've just spent in class. I hate this class so much u really have no idea. I was talking w/ this girl jenna who is in the class w/ me and we decided the only good thing about it is the break (which isn't even that good cuz she gives us friggen 10 min) and that we have each other to talk to cuz otherwise we'd prolly die. Jenna is pretty cool, she is a band geek like us and she's actually goin home this weekend for her home competition. haha but i think she wants to marry the mall more than i do (haha get it kyle??happy?)

Now i'm back here...waiting for Jeff to get back so we can eat even tho i just want soup...i might do that anyway cuz i need something hot. i think i just made a mission for myself...later peoples


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