Monday, September 29, 2003

today i woke up around 10 when jeff came in my room, acting quite crazy cuz he stayed up all night. Not one minute of sleep. He was acting super hyper so i fed him a bagel and then we went to sleep until saved by the bell came on...i watched the first one then fell asleep during the other one. I woke up to the cosby show bill cosby made a guest appearance on saved by the bell? then i realized the actual cosby show was on. i was messing with my brain too much so i got up and took a shower, then i talked to greg a little bit and found out he is actually a god. (thanks for the info) then the punk greg told me we got the yellowcard tickets so i was happy again. This friday woohoo!

Then anton was so nice and gave me a ride to the medical center where i got my 3rd and final hepatitus b shot. It took about 40 min cuz i had to call my mom to fax over my old shot history but then i finally got in for the shot that took a second to get. It's weird though cuz my other ones weren't sore afterwards and this one sorta is. I think it's cuz the doctor kinda closed his eyes and poked the needle wherever he wanted. it was from like a million miles away he held the needle then just went straight. who knows if it even hit a vain. o well it should be ok

so then jeff, andrew and i went to dinner (lunch for me) and then jeff and i went to the IVCF meeting. It was cool cuz the speaker was talking about The Case for Faith by lee strobel who wrote The Case for Christ which was really good. A lot of the stuff he talked about was in the one i read so i knew what he was talking about. And then- even better we got a free copy of the faith book so that's one less i have to buy :) I reccomend the The Case for Christ to anyone with questions about how trustworthy the bible is. It answers so many questions but doens't force anything on you at the same time. Really good writing. I guess it's because he's a journalist and he knows how to write w/o forcing an opinion.

After that whole thing I went off to my seminar class which is also religious based so yesterday and todat I've really had a good dose of it. Wednesday there is a womens bible study but it's in the apartments so i dunno if i'm gonna travel all the way over there. I'll see though. Well right now i just realized i have homework for English tomorrow that i put off for no apparent reason. So i'm gonna read that stuff now..later friends

I'm gonna start giving out questions so you ppl start making shout outs.
What is so different about Christianity and Catholicism? It's been a question around here lately.


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