Monday, October 13, 2003

more pictures...this is jeff hehe
(had to use a new pic cuz the old one can not be found)
anyway..this weekend i went home and i brought jeff along too. We got into flemington just around 3 in time for my hair cut. I am kinda mad tho cuz i told the girl to cut it like and inch shorter and keep the angleness of it. One, it was cut like a half inch and two the angle ness is gone if you ask me. Oh well. Then we went to Reebok and i saw Bob, Derick, LaRis and my mom...the whole gang sorta. Derick was apparently at the same yellowcard show as us and we didn't see each other. Sure the club was packed but still, too bad i missed him. Then Jeff and i went to the band competition! We saw jaimers right away and walked over there together. Soooo many ppl were there that we knew. I didn't think so many ppl would come back for it. Viv was there, Erik and Allie were there..even meli came which i didn't think she was gonna. Then a lot of guard ppl were there like Kristie, LeighAnn, Lisa and so one. We went over to visit the guard while they were practicing and i am sorta jealous of the show this year. It's pretty cool. Michelle starts off the show (like every year) and justine had a solo for a pretty long time. then the whole changing colors thing was cool too. Ok yes, i am a band nerd. actually...guard geek. :-p

So then sunday we went back to reebok and i bought jeff some bday presents. Then we went to liberty village and got some shakes at the rocky mountain choco. factory. I tried to visit dee but she was not working:( Then I drove us to that fudge place on 202 but it was closed, so we went to BJ's so i could get more biscotti :-p Then it was about 5:30 so we went back home and my dad got us some chinese food. Twas good chinese food too. Then my mom came home right around 7 and that is when we left. No traffic at all coming home so we made it back in an hour. Now we came back and Jeff, Greg, jonny kim and i went to late night.

All in all i had a good weekend. My parents seem to like jeff a lot so that is good for him (and me). Next weekend i'm gonna go to long island and see rebecca and all them...i feel so bad cuz it's been more than a month now since i've seen rebecca. I don't even remember what i bought her lol...well off to get distracted from homework...later


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