Friday, November 21, 2003

aaaaayyy eh? (canadian fonzi)

well whats been going on in the fascinating life of reese? I dunno. I skipped eviromental studies on thursday cuz i didn't do my paper and basically i hate the class anyway. Later that night i did finally write my paper that night and i think it's pretty good. I'm gonna put it in her mailbox later w/ a note so i don't get marked late if i can. Then that night i was just bored for it cuz nothing was really going on. The only thing i did was the "dorm storm" where you go around knocking on people's doors collecting food for the food pantries and stuff. I went with two girls from IVCF, Fae and Jenzi, to Oak. I was glad cuz i want to live in Oak next year (it's two people and it's probably the most space any dorm room has) so i got to look inside some rooms briefly. The most interesting part of it was when i we were on the first floor and I happened to knock on this kid Grant's door, who went to central, but is a year older than us. He recognized me and we started talking a little. The funny thing is that he told me he lived in pine last year, in rm 302, which is literally right across the hall from me cuz i'm 301. I found that very coincidental. But i dunno it was cool to see him again and actually talk.

So as i said, then we came back, i went to late night with jeff and ppl from ivcf. Around 2 i think Jeff and i watched the end of Back to the future 3 cuz it was on TBS. Then sleep.

Today I haven't done much. I woke up around 2 and now it's 4. We got lunch before and now im back here eating the popcorn meli sent me in her care package a while back. I'm happy for it cuz i just bought the same popcorn at the roadrunner cafe and it was stale. So then i was like wait! meli sent me the same popcorn! And hers was not stale so that's a YAY for meli (whatever that means)

So now i would basically just like to address the fact that i have no idea who i am rooming with next year. Amy and i get along fine, but i just talked to her last night and she said she might be transferring...and i think even if she doesn't, she'll prolly end up rooming with one of her friends from yeah i dunno about that. Then there are a few girls in the suite that i wouldn't mind and would be able to room with. One is Nicole, cuz she is rooming with Ashley and i have a feeling they won't be rooming together next year. Then either Susan or Merideth cuz even tho they are rooming together now, i don't know what is gonna happen next year...i haven't even asked though. Then as for outside the suite there is this girl Jenna in my enviro studies class and we get along pretty well, and in my effective speaking class this girl laura who i get along with too. I dunno. It's starting to stress me out a little cuz for some reason i don't have a lot of girl friends. I seem to become better friends with the guys here a lot easier, i's not that i can't become better friends with the girls. I'm just with jeff a lot more so we hang out with his suite and guys that he's friends with. Sigh. Lol i need a friend. haha just kidding...but i do in the same way. Well i'm gonna end this sad story and leave you to yourself to shout out and make me feel better...


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