Monday, November 10, 2003


Well Sunday was pretty routine...We left my house around 2:30 and got to the school an hour later. Then I saw Jeff and went w/ him to the laundry room where the washer had decided to not wash his clothes. Oh yeah then we played Tekken 2 and Jeff cheated and then we played Mortal combat and Jeff cheated (this time by stabbing me with a sword and letting me bleed to death and there was nothing i could do about it) so basically Jeff is a cheater (at video games). Later that night we watched Simpsons and then me, dana, nicole, merideth, Franco and Todd played Cranium. We kinda gave up at the very end but i think it's cuz my team (merideth and Todd) we're beating the other team so badly :-p haha

Today i haven't done much yet cuz i basically just woke up about an hour ago. I've slept a good part of the day away, and now that i've taken my shower, i plan to go eat, do some random stuff, go to the IVCF meeting, then to my seminar (which i believe tonight is a sanity workshop) then maybe start doing some of the massive homework i have for seminar. If anything changes in that exciting line up i'll be sure to tell you. pee's out

Pregunta de el dia: what's your fav board game?


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