Wednesday, November 19, 2003

Sooo i'm wasting more time by not writing my paper and writing in here instead. This is just what happened monday too. Only i had two papers to write and even though i had all day to do them, i decided to wait until i had 20 minutes before class started to write them. Yeah...i'd say thats procrastination for ya...

Tonite is my wednesday line up. I don't think i'm gonna go to bible study tonight cuz it's really rainy out and basically i should be writing my paper now and then we're gonna watch lord of the rings (two towers) extended version cuz it came out yesterday. So tisk on me already cuz i know i'm not gonna end up goin. :(

So yeah i have a lot of pointless crap on this page. I know that very much so. But you don't understand how bored i get somedays so i'll just spend hours looking for cool new html codes to put on my blog. I've never actually had a webpage that i could do this kind of stuff with so it's really all just a learning experience and i really don't care if you think i'm being cheezy by doing it...i like it!

So what's been happening? Monday night i wasted the day away doin stuff on here, then i went to class, where, for the first time ever we got let out like a half hour early. That never happens for that class. She must have had something better to do for once haha.

Later that night we watched the patriot...which was sooo bloody. Ok i know it's a war film and should be bloody...but i really can't take it. A cannonball shoots a guys head off. let me say that again. A CANNONBALL SHOOTS A GUYS HEAD OFF. It was freaking disgusting. Ick. At least I had Jeffs shoulder to hide behind cuz i think i was gonna throw up sometimes.

On tuesday i didn't have english but i went to this thing about JFK that my prof. was speaking at. It was actually really good. Never knew all the things that went on right after the murder. My prof is like an expert on JFK so he's really good at speaking about it and making it interesting.

Later that night we watched Full Metal Jacket. I've seen the beginning of it and i thought it was gross and i really didn't want to see the rest, but they coaxed me into it and i watched it. Still very bloody...some of it was a little strange..we all agreed the song selection made no sense but w/e

Then after the movie i come back to my room to find a bunch of stuff happened and Amy was getting questioned by the police. It wasn't her fault any of it. This girl that a lot of people can't stand (including me) called the cops on her friend when originally the girl we hate started it by hitting this guy for no reason. W/e she is retarded for calling the cops on this girl and i hope she is the one that gets in trouble cuz she deserves it.

Today i went to class really tired. I didn't go to bed till about 4 and getting up at 10 was no fun. Plus the class ran later than usual..but at least i did my speech and got it over w/ so now i don't have to wait two weeks to do it.

The rest of the day not much happened cuz i was so tired so i slept for a while. I got pics back that my mom sent to me and they are good. Mostly they are from the ppl here so i'll show you f-towners them if we get together over t-giving weekend.

So now i am here and i just ate before. Putting off my paper still. This guy Jim (who we call Big Jim cuz his roomates name is jim too haha) just told me he is gonna burn me a copy of the beatles "let it be...naked" which just came out yesterday. He's doing it mainly cuz i helped him w/ his schedule and even held a class for him cuz the class only had 3 spots left. I think that is so nice of him! It's supposedly really good so i can't wait to hear it.

Well tonight i'm just gonna watch a lot of tv i spose. And the two towers....hopefully i'll be doing my report sometime during all of this. :-\ hehe ok later skaters

Question of the day: what is your favorite war movie?


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