Saturday, February 28, 2004

Hola. I don't know why i wait 3 days to post. is my life really that boring that i have nothing to say for three days? yeah, probably.

Wednesday hmm i had my history of photography class w/ amy. We just die in that class cuz it's so boring, but it was funny cuz at the end we watched this artsy video of NY in the 40s, and there was this little boy in a dress doing this crazy dance and we started cracking up. And there also this little girl w/ her face pressed up against her window and she was licking it, then our professor is like, "do you know why she's doing that? It's because the windows had lead paint on them, and it tasted sweet" Oh boy. This kid was like lapping that stuff up. It was crazy...

Then i came back and hung out w/ greg^2 just kinda talking for a while, then i left cuz i had to do homework. I literally spent the rest of my day doing this homework. It was driving me crazy. I had to find a bunch of articles and critique them and it was just tedious and it took forever so w/e. At 10:30 i took an official break by going over to 305 to watch Chapelle's show. It was ok, but we've been saying WHHAAT? and OK!!! a lot. for those of you that get that haha.

Thursday I actually got up for class, even tho i didn't hear the alarm. Amy skipped her first class so she was there to wake me up. I seriously didn't hear the alarm though so that kinda scares me. After class, Greg came over to watch the OC with us. I love that show so much. We are a good watching group for it too haha.

Then i did MORE homework before my 3:30 class




I was happy but pissed cuz i spent so much time on that homework. Grr. Oh well. At least that way i had time to do my math homework, which greg s helped me w/ and afterward, me, him, greg k and josh went to dinner. I established that cheese was weird because sometimes i like it a lot and sometimes i hate it. Sorry, i know i have a lot of cheese loving friends too. I don't have anything against it really, it's just sometimes i just dislike cheese. It's a weird thang.

After math (boring class) i came back and went to see The Passion of the Christ. GREAT movie. Yes, it's bloody, but so was the actual Crucifixion and torture of Jesus. I saw this thing on TV where this guy was saying that the movie went way to far w/ blood, but i mean, Mel Gibson wasn't just making it bloody to gross people out, i think he was doing it to show how much pain Jesus went through to prove his love for us. Right before he get's lashed, he prays to God, saying that his heart is ready for whatever may come. It was definitely hard to watch some parts, but it's different than watching any other bloody gore movie where people are killed left and right just for shock value. This had a purpose, and i think people should leave Mel Gibson alone. Besides, this movie is gonna be so big, they already are saying how big it's opening day was, and the weekend isn't over yet.

Now it is Friday....I have pretty much bummed around all day.

Amy and I watched Newsies because we love that movie...haha she fell asleep at the end, but i can understand cuz she seemed pretty tired (she had just come back from work) Later, Greg s came over and he learned how to play goldminer, then i taught him how to play Fluxx and he beat me in like every game haha. That always happens, when i teach someone that game they always beat me lol. Then we watched Friends that i taped from last night which was pretty funny. Princess Consuela Banana hammock and Crap Bag. Aww. lol... friends is the best :-p one day it would be cool to have all the seasons, but i just don't have the money to do that now at least.

Then i watched the last 20 min. of jackass, i dunno why it took me so long to ever finish it, but it's such a funny/gross movie.

OK just took a break, now i'm back

so then jeff and i started to watch the mask, but he didn't feel like watching it really. So we stopped and then we went to late night w/ greg s. Greg and i are really excited for warped tour this year and it's like a little over 5 months about psyching ourselves up. hahaha

So now jeff and i watched Life w/ eddie murphy and martin lawrence. Some of it is funny i spose, but we didn't finish it yet cuz i have to wake up around 7 tomorrow cuz me, dana, nicole and devon are going to NYC tomorrow for our day at the Gisu Spa. I'm hoping all goes well. I need to go to the ATM before then too...:-/ hopefully i come back and i'll be superpretty!!! hahahaha

So's 12:45 and i'm going to bed. Craziness i tell ya. Well if you wanna be cool and call me tomorrow feel free to...just i think our appt is at 11 and i dunno when we're leaving from the city. But still call :)

Question of the day: Shout out. Sorry that's not a's a command. lol :)

Mood: excited
Music: Newsies - Seize the Day


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