Tuesday, March 02, 2004

Happy monday...

Today was a beautiful day!! too bad there were no swings :(

I woke up at 10 at jeffs but then went back to my room and slept till 1 cuz my phone rang. It was my mom telling me to try to find my package...stupid ramapo mail. My package has been sitting in the mail room of pine hall for like the last two weeks and they never notified me about it at all. It kinda pissed me off but i just ignored it. Around 3:30 i got lunch then came back to my room...

All day today and some of yesterday Amy was having some bad heartburn, so she ended up going to the doctor on campus and he made her go to the doctors to get bloodwork done and then she came back here and her parents ended up coming up and bringing her to the hosipital tonight. She hasn't come back yet so i'm hoping that she's ok and just staying the night there...oh well, feel better soon amy!

I went to IVCF today...we had a good talk about the passion of the christ. It was just a good meeting in general i think. I hope that we get some more people to become involved in the fellowship after the successes of gospel night and the free movie thing, it would be really nice to see new faces getting involved.

So then i had math and it was boring. Then i came back and watched the american idol special. The best part was william hung, but two specific parts. one, this person asked him what field he studied in civil engineering, and then ryan was like, so are you good at it? and william was like, i struggle with it, but i struggle with mostly everything i do in my life... lol i felt so bad but it was just so funny the way he said it....lol...then also when he sang she bangs, and at the end he sorta forgot the words, and he came in just in time to yell out "SHE BANGS!" hahaha good stuff

For the next hour i just kinda wandered around...talked to ppl online and stuff. Then at 10 was the inferno...i think mike got the most points but thats just my guess. Then lets see...oh yeah then me and greg went to late night...i really gotta stop w/ the late night lol i have like 350 from 500 of my flex $ left. sooo i gotta calm down. ummm yeah and then i guess not much has happened...I just met this kid Chris Shields, who i actually knew of cuz of Amy but now he's hanging out w/ dana and nicole and he kept talking to me about music and the beatles and how i should enjoy college cuz it's not that great and stuff haha. He's a cool kid lol and i apparently rock now from the sign on my door. lol w/e...

Well it's almost four...i have class at 2 tomorrow so i'm gonna get going to bed now. I didn't do any of the homework for it yet either haha. it's not a lot tho so it's ok....ok later gators

Mood- joyous
music- lol i'll go w/ good day sunshine off of revolver since it was such a nice day and shields fav album lol


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