Friday, September 19, 2003

So today I was really tired getting up apparently. I actually slept in Jeffs room while he and mike were at class cuz i was just too tired to get up. He came back in at 10:30 and I'm like...when is ur class start (thinking it was still 7ish) and he's like uhh i already went to class. I was so out of it this morning. Then I went to the worst class ever- environmental studies where i was bored out of my mind for 3 hrs and 20 min. I got back and went to dinner w/ Jeff and Greg at the PavUHlon and then jon came and joined us at the end. He and viv apparently talk a lot now haha. I like to think i helped the AZN connection be a little more connected. Then Jeff and I were gonna go to the mall but of course we were running late and exactly at 6:45 we saw the damn shuttle drive off w/o us. We were majorly pissed but we called Tiger and he gave us a ride. I got a few things for other ppl and some lil things for myself. We came back and i watched ppl play ping pong and then me, jeff, greg and Jim went to late night. Jim is from hillsborough so he knows about Flemington so i got to talk about F-town memories w/ him haha.

We came back to our dorms and we watched some south park and family guy then jeff had the idea to go walk out in the rain. So we went w/ Greg and Ed and just walked out there and jeff and i tried splashing the puddles on each other but i so got him better. So now i'm back here and it's 2 in the morn and i think Jeff is gonna sleep over....I'm not gonna see him for 2 days! That's so weird cuz i haven't not seen him since the monday we first got here. It'll be the longest time spent w/o him. It's really strange. Oh well on sunday we are gonna go to this church thing together so i'm looking foward to that. Hopefully it's interesting or at least just informative. I'm glad he wants to go w/ me. :)

Oh ok Andrew just came in and I say he is a mad cool person and he likes to party and do the cha cha slide!
*Jeff you are cool too...but you don't do the cha cha slide :)*

Hey, midnight movie this weekend?
Hey, you're a typical run of the mill college
student. You do your studying, you make decent
grades. You also don't constantly talk about
your major or how busy you are with it. Your
weekends include sleeping in, hangin out with
friends, or seeing your parents. You also
probably picked out your major without the help
or force of someone else (ie: parents, hence
your seemingly indifferent yet habitual
attitude towards it. The best type of student
to be. Go you!

What college stereotype are you?
brought to you by Quizilla


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