Saturday, November 29, 2003

ok. lets hope that my internet doesn't go away again (this is still at home)

welll i wrote a big update on wednesday and it all got erased. so now its saturday and i don't feel like recapping...ok no i will. but like a sentence for each day up to wed.

fri- jeff and i went shopping at garden state mall. big mall. lots o' fun.

sat- borders + cvs. more shopping

sun- slept mostly all day

mon- symposium for effective speaking. actually informative about my future. cool cuz it counted as my final.

tues- class then something corp show. Mae is awesome- cd is wanted for christmas :). RX bandits cool too...until after their third song and then they all started meshing together. :-p Rest of the nite we stayed up till around 5- played halo and sucked more than the snatch w/ the tank. But it was still fun!

wed- packed and chilled all day. My dad came at about 6 and i drove home from there. lots of trucks but got home safe and pretty quick. Rebecca and Charlie came home around 8. Went to shoprite at 9:30 for some last minute stuff. Came back to watch south park then charlie brown thanksgiving. Everyone was tired so we went to bed soon after. OH but found out my other aunt had the triplets on today. Nicole (3lb 3oz) , Samantha (3lb, 4oz) and Jaquelyn (3lb 5oz). All good weights for triplets. They are reallly long tho for some reason. I heard that i think samantha got moved into the reg. room. im going to visit in two weekends to see them.

thanksgiving- watched some parade. did family stuff. My aunt and her bf and my grandma came in the morning so lot of ppl were there. Ate some very good food. Tyke and Erin came over. We all watched friends, then at 9 started playing cranium. The game went forever but my team won (which was me, tyke and erin at first, then they left at the end so i finished w/ my aunt and bf and still won). Once again tired so we prolly went to bed around 1ish. I talked to rebecca a bit before bed but then we fell asleep.

friday- rebecca and charlie left really early, like 8. everyone else left by 11ish. I then went job hunting w/ jaimers and met up w/ erin and anton for a little while at borders. then jaimers and i got lunch at panera where we both got confused on who's orders we got. we saw a lot of central ppl tho. i bought some stuff, then we went to reebok where i was informed that ooofff coooourrse francis hired too many kids and now i really do need to find a job. so we went to jockey and jaimers and i both handed in applications there. i think it would be cool to have a job w/ jaimers tho :)

Then that night me, jaimers, dennis, viv, erin and anton went to fridays. It was actually pretty fun i think. last time we went to dinner i thought it was boring...maybe cuz there was too many ppl (actually meli is the only person who wasn't there...but that table was huge i guess) but this time i had fun.

Saturday- got awoken by dennis' phone call about goin to the phillips' house (it's ok you didn't wake me up too much dennis haha) i then got dressed and stuff and my dad and i went to home depot to get our christmas tree. we usually go to tree farms, but there was no izzy to make it secure enough for a long drive so we just went closer. Then i went searching for tree preserve at shoprite and saw kelly baxter haha...then came back home just to go to the phillips' saw a few ppl like kate and bethany and courtney. not to many others from young life. But it turned out that me jaime and dennis just talked to the phillips' for a long time. we didn't leave till a little after 5...and we got there around 2:30. So then i came home, ate dinner, decorated the tree and just watched a bootleg version of mystic river. It was a pretty good movie but the quality was so awful.

Now i'm watching Saturday night live...i knew this a while ago but don't you find it odd that kenan (like kenan and kel kenan) is on snl? Ack and Justin is hosting. how weird. i think this is the first time. wow britney is beating him. =:-0 haha i really don't care. ok well i'm gonna go. peace out all you cub scouts

shout out topic: how are you getting money over winter break, if at all?


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