Monday, January 26, 2004

okie dokie. This will come up as monday but it's really sunday but ur all bright kids, i'm sure you can figure that out on ur own.

So today i just worked. It was cold. I did those fill-it-ins. I can't explain them very well but if ur really dying to know then....figure it out urself. You can usually buy them on magazine stands in a drugstore or something.

When i came home, i ate some dinner then me and my mom went to shoprite...i swear i went there almost every nite this week. I just realized tonite how regularly i've been going there. Eh. So i got some shower cleaner for school and also some cups cuz i remembered we were pretty much out of them at school. When I came home my dad and i watched the simpsons and i basically watched TV w/ him the rest of the night cuz we watched like 3 episodes of MXC cuz i told him it was funny and he agreed. It's such a stupid show but it's really quite entertaining. It's on that Spike channel...almost all the time too so if u turn it on i bet it will be on.

Time for the daily rant about missing the PO.
One week from today (now it's technically 6 days but w/e) i will be back. Seeing everyone...gettin a new roomate..ooh the excitement!

Ahh ok. I'm talking to Dana about getting some new stuff for the suite...we have more of an idea now of what happens so hopefully we'll be prepared this time :)

That is all...and remember- "Don't Get Eliminated!!!!"

Mood- eager
Music- Weezer - the world has turned and left me here


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