Thursday, October 07, 2004

Another week, another post.

Still no car. But i've been getting by w/ a little help from my friends...aka greg. I've been borrowing his car pretty much since he sprained his ankle and couldn't really go anywhere's anyway. Tomorrow he's bringing me to work tho cuz he is able to drive again, although he's not fully healed...

last weekend i worked so much. But i made a wicked sweet amount of money. Therefore, yesterday i went to the bank and deposited 350 bucks. One thing about the Mason jar is that i end up getting a whole lotta loose change. So much that it overflows my wallet and purse, and i must get rid of it. So while i was at commerce i decided i would use that penny arcade thing. So i pour my change into it, say it was about 10 bucks. Then i get to this screen that says i didn't pour any change in at all. i'm like ok what? so i get the workers there to figure it out and they all go to work at it while i fill out my deposit slip. Finally they realize that someone jammed a soda tab into it... so they got it working again....

Now the point to this story is that they kept giving me weird looks, especially when i told them that this change was just from my purse and that i didn't bring it in a bag or anything. So they put all the change thru the machine, and give me the reciept. When i look at it, it says that there was 60 dollars worth of change i just gave them. Now i know for a fact all of that was not my change. But since no one was around to say that it was theirs, score one for me. In fact score a lot for me cuz i just gained like fifty bucks for freaking being there at the right time. So needless to say, that kinda made my day. =D

What else. We went to club bliss tuesday night. It was a lot of fun. All of my friends were there so it was a good time for all...

I dunno what else to say? I've listened to waaaaay too much ashlee simpson. She has the worst songs ever yet i seriously know all the words to them. Example:

"You make me wanna la la
in the kitchen on the floor
I'll be a french maid
When I meet you at the door
I'm like an alley cat
Drink the milk up, I want more
You make me wanna
You make me wanna scream"
-Ashlee Simpson "la la"

Then there is a song about how she used to hate jessica but now she likes her. I'm so happy for her. Really.

And now I'm listening to a song by the starting line about how he lost and/or wants to lose his virginity. It's not something i want to picture.

So i guess thats all...I haven't seen matt since sunday but i do wanna tell him to feel better cuz he possibly fractured his hand....crazy kid. luv ya babu.

Well thats all for now. As always i will sign off about laundry....

I have to go do my laundry. later.

mood. tiredish
music. the starting line - bedroom talk


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