Monday, August 23, 2004

i didn't know it had been so long! My weekend was def. jam packed....lets see this week started off w/ a good ol crew gettogether at Vivs. It was so random started w/ just a few of us, then slowly grew, and grew..and then by i guess 10:30ish everyone was at vivs. It's been a long time since we just hung out like that all together and it was really cool. I liked that we then decided to all go to Dunkin Donuts at like 1 in the morn haha. Good times, and once again i commend viv for puttin it all together on the spot...

Ok wednesday....oh yeah, i remember. I went to somerville w/ jaimers! It was cool, we both got some cheap CDs and she got a sweater from the vintage shop that was really nice. Then we ate lunch at alfonzo's and then headed home cuz she had work at 6. Either way it was cool and i like goin there w/ her cuz it's just a cool place to be :)

thursday i worked but at night, lucky and i went and saw napoleon dynamite...we rushed getting there and we got in the theater just in time. I thought the movie was funny, probably not the funniest movie all summer like all the ads say it is, but it was still worth it. Pedro was the best tho...haha. Anyways the only thing was that it seemed like all the ppl in the theater had seen it like a million times and knew all the funny parts by heart and just were laughing much harder than normal at the was odd but whatever, still a good moviegoing experience.

Friday i worked and then at night i jaimers and i went to the socratic show at Krome. The show itself was cool and i got to talk to timmy from echo screen (he goes to ramapo) and steph was there w/ mom so it was good to see them. Socratic was great as usual...i wish they had a CD it's so annoying that i can only hear their songs when i see them, cuz they are impossible to d/l any.

After the show, Me, Jaime, Alyssa and her friends Nicole and Heather went to the Menlo Park diner (now my second time there haha) and we had a pretty good time. There was this corey matthews lookalike there that was really creeping me and jaimers and the rest of us out. Eventually, me and nicole went up to him (he went up to pay the bill) here's the convo:

Nicole: Excuse me, but has anyone ever told you you look like corey matthews?
Corey Matthews Who?
Nicole: From Boy Meets World?
CM: I've never heard of it
Nicole: Oh...well, could we just get a picture with you anyway?
CM: That's a little weird....
Me: Well we're in the middle of a diner at midnight....what's weird about that?
M: I don't know....I'm gonna have to say no though.
*Corey walks away*
*Me and Nicole dodge into the bathroom asap*

So yeah...corey matthews was a total dick to us and i think it's forever scarred my image of's gonna take me years to recover. Send Flowers please.

Anyways...the best (and by best i mean worst) part of the night was going home. As much as i would not like to relive this i shall tell the tale one more time.

As we are getting to our car, Heather tells us that there will be signs up ahead for 287 if we go straight on the road the diner was on. OK. We get in the car and jaimers says, "lets take the parkway"

are u sure?

yes. we go that way home from the shore. i'm taking the parkway...?


this was mistake # 1. The rest of the night was a series of mistakes like this.

We take the parkway, and go waaaaay too far up north, so two tolls later we decided to turn around. Another 2 tolls later we get off this exit that leads to rt 9/440/287. After passing rt 9 twice, we finally get on it and it turns out we're going the wrong way, as the first gas station attendant tells us. So we turn around and go waaaay far down rt 9 and stop at another gas station, where the indian limo driver tells me to keep going down rt 9 and then he tried to figure out how far away i was although i didn't really care how far i just wanted to get home. So finally we get onto the road and it splits and turns into rt 1 S. I had no idea if that was right so i turn around and we go into a quick check where this lady w/ no teeth told us to keep going the way we were going and we'd see signs for 287.

So now we're on rt 1 s again and what do we pass?

The menlo park diner.

I almost beat jaimers right then and If only we had listened to heather. Lesson of the night: Jaimers has really bad logic, don't listen to her when she says to take the parkway, bcuz the parkway is evil.

So in the end i lost $1.40 in tolls. A half a tank of gas and 2 hours + of sleep. Plus i got a stress zit i think on the bottem of my cheek. Good think i like jaimers or she'd be in a lotta trouble right now...haha

Anyways, after all that, of course i woke up late on saturday and i got to work late, which pissed off my boss, which made him mad at me all day, and caused me to be in the WORST of moods all day. Matty came over that night tho, which made things a lil better....but since he had a bad day too we kinda just wallowed in our bad day, so we took a walk around 8 to cool off and then later went to fridays and got a brownie sundae to was very nice, thankyou matty for trying to make my day a lil better :)

So now it's was a lot better than yesterday, even tho i worked. I just relaxed and watche 6 feet under and entourage...they both seemed very short tonight....good stuff tho. entourage coulda used a lil more action tho. :)

Ok i'm quite tired, hopefully i'll be in my bed soon and ashleep. School in two weeks....whoopie!!!!i can't wait.

mood: pooped.
music: allister - overrated


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