Saturday, August 16, 2003

Heeeellooooo. Ok so today (yesterday now) was erin and antons bday. Yay for them for hitting the 18 mark.

Today was pretty fun. Got to work w/ kirsli for the first day of the "triple threat" weekend (we work together the whole weekend) and the time went by pretty fast cuz we were talking a lot and thinking about what we would get from the friends and fam catalog (i want that cheesecake for 5,000 pts!!!!! j/k) Then later I went to thee ice cream parlor to see the birthday kids and dennis. Then meli and phil came, and eventually tyke as well. We were all having a lot of fun even though anton seemed kinda quiet...? oh well...anyways then me, lucky and tyke went to applebees where we saw Randy and his two friends. Plus the waiter that i think looked like keanu reeves, but lucky thinks he looks like some guy from a movie where they are in a record store. Does anyone know what she's talking about? Not High fidelity and not Empire Records. So that narrows it down to nothing. but anyways....

I missed a call tonight...very upsetting.

ok so besides the things that bother me, nothing is bothering me! No actually not a lot is bothering me right now. I just want to have as much fun as i can until school starts and i start this totally different lifestyle.

...It's so funny how life burns out fast it's just another wasted day a boring life in a boring town...

not that this town is boring. Well it is, but the ppl in it make it not boring. Like tonight...sitting in the parking lot of applebees and yelling "HOLLA" to the keanu waitor and the police officer (ok I did not yell it to the cop, that was lucky's bright idea...damn you turn one year older and u think you can do anything...) Anyways that was a lot of fun cuz it was just stupid stuff.

well i guess that's all for now. I gotta get up for work tomorrow so i guess i should try to get some sleep.


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