Sunday, August 24, 2003


Ok that was because i just wrote a whole bunch of stuff and my cell phone fell onto the keyboard and pressed just the right buttons to make it all disappear. So thankyou cell phone for being a giant asshole this weekend.

Lets start anew. Let's start with friday night actually cuz that's when all da fun started.

So friday night lucky and tyke came over for our "gooooodbye lucky" get together. We went to Dominicks pizza so tyke and i could get dinner, then to wald drugs, then to 7-11 and then back to my house to watch some friday night standup. It was fun...a little boring at times cuz for some reason we were all really tired. But 11:30 mitch hedberg came on and i was happy. Of course Rich decided to call during that one...but he had some big news and i had to talk to him about it. I felt bad cuz it was the last time i'd see lucky for a while...but we'll be talking and i'm sure we'll see each other soon fer jaimers birthday. Anywayz i gave her a big hug and that was that. Rich and i talked for a long time after that but (this is why i hate my cell phone) my cell just decided to be mental and just disconnected us. it was too late to call back even if my cell did work so i just left it at that...(plus i'd have to count in mississippis again lol)

So then the next morn we went to LI. Only one difference this time. I drove there. Oh mi it was a lil scary but we made it to my aunts in babylon alright. Of course i messed up coming off of the verrazano bridge and almost went to Queens (i told my mom we could always visit rich if we got really lost...but then was not the time for jokes) but anyways i got out of it fine and we were back on track in no time.

The baby shower was ok. I liked the food and my aunt was surprised. It was boring sometimes but at least i had Rebecca there to talk to. I felt bad cuz i haven't talked to her in a while and i knew she was gonna be mad but it was ok cuz we talked a lot the rest of the day. We went bowling that night and we had fun like usual (we won 4 free bowling passes for doing the cha cha slide in front of everyone...a lil embarrassing but a lot of fun) and then that night we talked before bed and now she knows all about what's going on in my life and the people in it. I like how she really cares about all the things i tell her. I hate when i feel like i'm boring ppl about what is important to me...she really cares about all that stuff and always offers some advice if i need it. Even tho she is my cousin, she is more like a sister to me. Even more than my real sister (who, is trying to come back into my life now, and that is nice, but it's hard to erase all the memories i've had w/ rebecca and all the times she's been the one to offer the sisterly advice. She just understands me better....). So yeah, i'm glad I have Rebecca cuz sometimes she is the ONLY person i can talk to and won't judge me or love me any less for what i've done. *sigh* It's nice. I wish i lived there w/ her still...but hey then i wouldn't have met all my friends down here so at least i can still visit Rebecca- and now when i want now that i can drive myself...which reminds me: going home..

ugh what a disaster. I couldn't even get on to the L.I.E the right way. I did finally get on it but i think it was too late when i did and then we had to go thru this whole ordeal to get to the southern state--which i technically found on my own cuz everyone gave me weird directions but i found a sign by myself :) so yeah i rock. haha well then things were ok for a felt like forever to get to the V. bridge again but we made it. Then we had to go to the outer bridge. And my dad was like DO NOT GO ON THE PERTH AMBOY so i'm like ok...this sign says perth amboy so i'm not gonna take it. Unfortunately he was wrongo and i got lost AGAIN and we had to find our way back to the korean veterans hwy thing. Once again we found it pretty quick but still long enough for me to be kinda stressed out. But then we got to the right one and it was pretty smooth sailing from there. I believe this will be much easier along w/ practice...but i'll take my time before i do it all again (btw that was 4 hours of driving home today and then i went to work when i got home NOT FUN but o well)

So yes. I guess that brings me back here. Oh yeah i was pissed at my cell yesterday cuz it truly wasn't working cuz i would try to make calls and it wouldn't connect to anything. but then at about 10:30 sat. night it worked again so i was happy. I prolly woulda still been driving home from LI right now if it didn't work today.

So this week should be fun but stressful. Now i'll really have to pack and clean my room but i also want to hang out w/ a lot of our friends cuz this is the week we all go. One after the other's really weird. Let me see if i got this straight: meli on wed. dennis on thurs? tyke on fri? jaime saturday, me and anton sunday. I think i mighta got tyke and dennis switched but i don't remember. either way it's sad. i think that on wed. night i am sleeping over kirsli's so long as i can convince my mom it's ok. I am gonna have to work my tail off this week making things look nice for her. Oh well it should be ok. I'm done w/ this now cuz i've written entirely too much and i may be boring a lot of helpless ppl out there :-p


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