Saturday, January 03, 2004

ok i wrote another blog yesterday but i think i made it a draft and i dunno where it goes after that. So umm I'm just gonna write again.


my dad got his car back!!!

This means i can now drive again. yaaay for me. Tomorrow i will start by driving myself to work!!! haha how fun does that sound? It's actually not too bad cuz i'm working 10-3 and then my sweet jeffy pop is coming over. I dunno what we're doing but i told him...

"Jeffy Pop, I'm driving tomorrow!!!"

So that means i will cure my disease of not having a car and drive drive drive. I hate having other people drive me around. And i've taken the shuffle twice since i got home. Enough said i think.

What im looking foward to even more is when my dad goes to Florida from the 20-25 and i will have the car all to myself during that week. Provided everything works out and he can get to the airport w/o his car. He is gonna try to work it out so it will probably happen. I really hope so tho cuz i've been complaining about not having a car for so long it will be nice to feel like i have my own car for a lil while.

Ok i just took a loooong break from this cuz i am talking online too

last night i went to lenny's w/ erin anton and tyke. I had already eaten dinner so i didn't get anything and i just took two pics and showed them the pic of me w/ one of the triplets, jackie. I love those triplets. They were so adorable and i'll see them again in 2 weeks when we go to L.I again.

Oh yeah in that post from last night that didn't get posted, I said i decided i was gonna live in Long Island when i grow up. I just feel like thats where i wanna be. Can't explain it more than that. But i guess we'll see won't we.

I can't wait to get paid. Only a few more days.... :-D

Ok i guess i can't really say much else. I miss the ppl from ramapo a lot! Greg S. wanted to hang out i know, and i really think other greg and jeff and i should hang out on our own in one of our towns. I vote me cuz i'm in the middle, but i also want to see this Cool Beans (the digital bean in my opinion lol) place in Toms River. And jeff is closer to toms river...well whatever. I think it would be cool to hang out outside of ramapo the 4 of us.

OHHH i got it. One of the loaded questions question was "which commercial product would you never want to advertise for" I just saw a commercial to get cable tv over satillite. I dunno if that is a commercial product but i think those commercials are really lame.

K i'm doing too much cultural speculating so that means i have nothing left to say. So later dudes and dudettes!


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