Monday, January 05, 2004

I am getting really good at posting everyday! This is like my third day in a row of posting. Maybe i'm just bored. But let's say it's cuz i really have stuff to say.

So today i worked from 12-6. It wasn't too bad. I kept busy most of the day cuz there were only two of us. I am getting better at the register and knowing where everything is. I'm also really good at sitting and reading Cosmo when there is nothing else to do. I like that part. :-D

Lucky came to visit me for a bit and we talked about her new house. I would be upset if i was moving too, but the house seems so nice. Actually it would be a plus for me to move down there cuz i'd live closer to Jeff and all, but i don't think my fam is gonna be moving any time soon. I will definetly be visting lucky tho cuz her house will be sweet and she is like 10 min from the beach. Not that i'm using her. lol. I would want to see her of course too!!!

After work i went to Jaimers house. This night was just what i needed. I had a lot of fun playing Cranium and just talking w/ everyone. Meli and i are gonna live together in L.I. right? haha...oh and Dennis makes a great lone ranger. :-p All in all it was a lot of fun and I also got to talk to a stranger! hahaha I randomly talked to Meli's friend Jimmy cuz Meli was too busy talking about Felicity to talk to Jimmy. Haha. but now Jeff and I def. have to go Rowan and party there haha

Well Thats all for now. I'm gettin tired and i have work tomorrow again. I'm rollin in the cash money tho!! haha only two more days of work then i'm off wed and thursday. caaaan't wait! Well later dayz!

Shout Out Question: Are horses pretty?


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