Saturday, January 03, 2004

I had a very good day today, as i thought i might.

First I went to work at 10 which was no fun, but i didn't mind cuz i got out at 3. Jaimers visited me around 11:30-12ish and we talked for a bit and i was happy to get a visitor so thankya jaimers! i will come see you at ur diner once i can!

So then 3:00 rolled around and i left. I wen to the bank to deposit some money but commerce was freaking closed. What kind of a bank closes at 3:00 on a saturday. Commerce. Grr. Oh well at least i didn't spend it...yet. ;-)

Then i came home and Jeff came over!!! I haven't seen him since tuesday so it was so great to see him again. We then went out but we didn't do much. I stopped at Michaels to get some beading essential materials and the line took forever cuz the person in front of me had so many problems. grr..but then we got out of there and we went to Wawa, got nothing, went to Eckerd, got nothing, then to the Hess Express and i got the Democrat to see the picture's of me, jaimers erin and viv from the people pole thing. I think the pics came out nice.

Then i was starving so jeff and i went to Joe's pizza for dinner (complements of my dad's $$) and then i picked up my mom from work and we went to Joe's again so my parents could get a pizza too. Then we came back and Jeff and I watched Say Anything which i think Jeff liked, but not as much as he liked better off dead haha.

Then jeff was supposed to leave at 10 but he ended up not leaving till 10:30 which was ok w/ me cuz i missed him! But then when he left i called erin back but she did not pick up her cell so i dunno i may try calling again cuz i just read her blog and she seemed really upset. :(

Oh--I also got my Christmas present from Rich today. He got me an awesome book about the beatles. It's like all the lyrics to their songs with illustrations to go with them and has quotes from the Beatles and other people about the songs. It is really cool. (But can he make the pressure any harder to get him a gift as cool as that?? haha jk)

So today marks the end of my first official week of working at Springmaid. I think i get paid wednesday. I think it'll be like 140 or something. I dunno how much they are taking out for taxes yet. But money is money so i can't complain :)

I was happy to see all those shout outs when i looked at my blog before! (even the half drunken one from greg hahaha) Thank ya ppls!

Well I am gonna see if i got any more grades from ramapo cuz i only have 2 so far and they are the grades i knew already. bah. Tomorrow will be fun after i'm done w/ work. :) later gators

shout out: If you were given 100 tries to hit the bullseye of a dart board, how many times would you hit it?


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