Sup peaches? sup. sup. Ok i'm only writing because i'm back at the po on saturday night and it's boring as hell here. I'm thinking about going to get some food soon cuz my stomach is growling. buut writing comes first.
This has been a weird week. Things need to get back to normal. I doubt i'm gonna write about any of that important shit, just cuz i'd rather the whole world not know. wait i don't mean whole world...just whoever is bored enuff to stop on by this thing.
I guess i can talk about last wednesday. That was pretty fun. Me and alyssa decided it'd be fun to drink. Only we didn't get the opportunity until 2:30 am when steve imed me. so of course we ran over to the apartments becuase "it's never too late to start!" We drank vodka and lemonade. yummy. haha. But i was quite drunk. the next day i realized that alyssa and i took pictures in allisons bed, (waking her up) and she was practically laying on my chest in all of them. Thank God people know we're not lesbians or i think these pictures would look like we were.
It'd be nice to drink this week away... pathetic but true. Unless something good happens.
I think i need to go to the E-lab and print out some more coloring book pages cuz my crayons are staring at me...
Umm thanksgiving was ok. nothing special. saw the triplets, they turned 1, god they're getting big.
Friday nite came home, erin and tyke came over...we chilled, watched love actually. gossip. good times. went to bed at 3:30 for no reason
saturday...rushed around did some more last minute shopping, came back here just in time for peggy to pick me up so we could go to the new kind of conflict (aka my friend jared's band) show. The ride wasn't too bad. It was in danbury CT. some of her friends were there, girls...they were a little too wild, gossipy and stuff. The first band we saw was horrible. no one was even clapping for them. the next one had something about zombies in their name...they weren't too bad..the lead singer looked like a 35 year old man stuck in an asian oompa loompas body. Yeah, have fun picturing that.
Jared's band came on after that. they were very good i must say. totally different style of music than the other bands playing tho so some of the crowd was being dickheads. oh well, they probably had more talent than the other bands tho if you ask me.
After that we left, even tho the main band, the unseen, was up next. Peggy had some things to do tonight...i didn't care to see the last band so it was all good with me. We had a nice car ride home, she's a sweetheart. Yet now i'm back here and i'm afraidcuz i might end up going to bed like before 2 cuz the campus is dead except for either the ppl nextdoor or the ppl upstairs ( i can't tell where it's coming from) cuz they are blasting music. it's prolly the guys next door cuz they are always doing that.
Oh yeah i got my cousins old ID. I don't really look too much like her but i'm hoping i can use it in some places. Either that or i might just try looking for a place in the city cuz im sick of this not being able to get my own alcohol. >:0
well i'm still really hungry. there is still no one i'm off. leave the love in comment form please :)
mood: boooored
music: w/e the shite is that they are playing next door. but actually, something corporate-globes and maps.