Tuesday, June 29, 2004

Well i was told by Rich that i must update...this is silly because i have to get up in...4 hours...i'm so dumb why am i not sleeping. ayyy...

Ok well here we go..speed up date. Friday i was off. i did ablsolutely nothing. Sposed to chill w/ meli and jaimers and erin and viv and it didn't happen. next day

Saturday i worked. la dee da.. Got home and then i went to jaimers and from there we went to the bar/restaurant that meli works at. it was nice to see her but seriously the guys at the bar were really scary cuz they stared me and jaimers down as we walked in. I'm talking like full turned around and watched us walk all the way to our booth. It was really creepy. But then we just chatted and had mozz sticks that were really good. Afterwards we went back to jaimers' house and talked some more about everything...nice to catch up w/ them as always :)

Sunday i also worked. I got home and i watched Bad-der Santa w/ my dad. It was actually very funny. Billy Bob Thortan is really good at playing gross, drunk losers. lol. And the kid was funny :-p

Monday....well since Rich wanted me to write this i'll yell at him for not coming out! He was supposed to visit this whole week but it turned out he couldn't stay as long so it wasn't worth it...even tho i think seeing me (after a whole year of NOT seeing me) should be worth it enough :-p

Anyways i went up to ramapo w/ vivian and it was cool. It was her first time there so thats good for her :) She'll have to try to come up there when were in school! Then we went to borders and got stuffed pretzles that were realll good. Then i went home and went to shoprite and stop and shop w/ my momma.

Ok tonight erin and cayce came over and we watched bug juice. I love to hate that show. Ok i've really gotta stop writing. I gotta get up at 6 am to go to Newark w/ my dad and then go to the shore w/ matty!!! I am so 'cited to see him and greggy and julianne!

Ok time to go. G nite. Hope ur happy rich.

mood: silly
music: Incubus - talk show on mute

Thursday, June 24, 2004

well...it's a marvelous night for a moondance :)

that song has been in my head for like the last three days...

speaking of the last three days. What's been goin on. hm. Actually it's been like 5 days since i posted lol. w/e. lets do it.

Sunday = fathers day. I worked. Gave dad his gifts. Got chinese food. bummed. 6 feet under. exciting huh?

monday...unfortunately; worked again, came home and lucky came over. We watched road rules and....*drum roll* the return of Bug Juice!!!! We are the biggest losers ever, but seriously, that show cracks us up. It's reruns which is great cuz they had the real winners on for that season. Ya got Sarai the brooklyn Bi-otch. (don't be clique-ay!!) Caitlyn the depressed fat firl. Conner and Hasaan (ok yeah they are actually worth watching :-p) Then of course the grand loser of all, LUNA. This girl is like 30 and bragging that her life has consisted of camp since she was like 14 years old (probably younger) and does Arts and Crafts. Guys must swarm after her. blech.

Aight. Now tuesday, i got the enjoyment of having Matty come over. It was kinda a crummy day out, but we got lunch at Panera, then went to shoprite to get some watermelon then brought my mom to the deli to play some lotto. we played some scratchoffs...we did pretty well w/ them but didn't win any big $$ :( lol oh wellz. Then we just chilled the rest of the night. I know we played sequence and TriBond and i lost a lot. Oh yeah and we took a walk to Carvel (which closed on us! bastards!) so then we just got mcflurries instead. Not as good as carvel, but still satisfied the need.

Next day, (wednesday) it was a lot nicer out, so matty and I went to the pool. It was very nice. a lil chilly but still nice. Then we ate some lunch and watched orange county. After that i decided to take him to the mall so he could see it. We basically just browsed and went into Brookstone and the Sharper image and sat in all the massage chairs :-D It was quite fun. Oh yeah and as we were leaving I saw Derek Holzer and Erin Looney, so i stopped to talk to Derek for a minute. It made me miss seeing him everyday lol...He was our second block buddy...all year second block was me anton and derek. We were a team! lol. Oh well. He seems to be doing good which is nice to hear.

So then we came home and we ate our watermelon and stuff. I looove having him around. Sucks that he's so far away...oh well. once school starts things will get easier...right!? right.

So anyways...now it's thursday. I worked 10-3. Came home and did nothing. I talked to a few ppl i haven't talked to in a while like courtney from choir (even tho i HATE her lol jk) and Erik. Then i went to linens and things w/ madre and got a new fan. It's on right now and i likes it.:-D We also went to Carvel and i got a very fattening ice cream thing. It's like choco ice cream and reeses pieces. Ay yi yi. I craved.

I miss my ramapo kids. :( I want a car. Warped Tour please come. I haven't seen Allison and Alyssa for a long time. I wanna have a game night. I'm goin to Long island next week.

that is all. Leave love.

Question: What do u want to do right now?

mood: sleepy
music: Van Morrison - Moondance

Saturday, June 19, 2004


lets see...what popular activities have i engaged myself in in the last few days?

Well Wednesday I sunbathed and got frightened of bee's, but i stuck it out for the duration of my so cool summer mixed CD. Afterwards i went to staples and got this awesome new mouse for my comp. It lights up blue and stuff. I likes it. Theennnn Matty D came over! Yaay! We were gonna see The day after tomorrow but our stupid movie theater got rid of it the day before so we decided just to go to blockbuster and rent movies...we got Along Came Polly and Love Actually. LA is obviously good and i felt like seeing it again, and along came polly was cute too.

That night we just watched the movies and listened to Midtown on Kroc for the furious 5. They were funny as i thought they would be.

Thursday, we went to the Bagel Club for, i guess it was brunch by then. Then we went to Reebok so i could get my check. Then he got his car washed for like quadruple the amount he pays in Toms River. I felt bad. Anyways, then we traveled to find the moose tree. It's not far from my house...unfortunately it was hard to get up close to cuz of really high grasses. buut here's the evidence:

It was cool tho. If u wanna see it ever then ask me about it...they have this quant lil parking spot for u too right by it lol.

Hmm so after we just kinda ran around flemington. We went to the park by my house and swang. We got icee's from wawa. We saw Shrek 2. It was a cute movie too. Afterwards we got Verami's pizza for dinner. And the mozz stix..yummm. Then we ran over to the elementary school to run amuck on their swings and the playground. After ten minutes it started like downpouring so we frolicked back to the car, haha, then came back to my house to chill and watch along came polly.

Friday then came and it was time for him to go. :( I had work till 3. Then i went out w/ tyke and erin to dinner at chili's. It was fun. specially when i asked our waiter for two tens and a five for my twenty. lol. i'm retarted haha

Then they came over here and we watched Fast times at ridgemont high. I <3 that movie even tho some of the characters really piss me off...still an overall good movie. And cameron crowe rocks as well... :) We also watched family guy and had the last of my seagrams. We were all getting pretty tired afterwards so we passed out pretty early last night.

This morning i had work. I came home late and went to the mall w/ my mamma. She harasses the kid that works at the spirit of sports store. Of all the stores in the mall, he's like the only worker that i feel like i know cuz he's always there and my mom always makes him help us...he's a funny, but weird, kid tho.

Now i'm back here and reeeeally tired. I wanted to say tho that i think Jessica Simpson, Ashley Simpson and Avril Levign should all jump off a cliff together. Thanks.

Happy [early] fathers day. Yea, to all u fathers out there that read my blog...lol.

mood: sleepy
music: Safety Dance - Men Without Hats

Tuesday, June 15, 2004

Wow i really rock for consistancy in blog updating. Although Anton told me that my last blog wasn't good enough. Well if you got beef anton, then bring it. My blog could kick your blog's ass. And your ass. So forget it lil midget. haha.

So lets see...monday. That was my mom and dads anniversary. 19 years. goo them. even though that constitutes me as being an accident but w/e. I don't even know if i was or not. Not like i care, cuz it's not like they hate me now or abandoned me or something like that....

Anyways, back to monday. I went to work. It was boring. I came home, had the long awaited Happy Anniversary chinese food, then took my mom and erin to Old Navy. I <3 not getting lost. Old Navy is the best i tell ya. Even w/ their damn graphic tee's that make no sense. Anyways, i bought two hot bikinis that i am in love w/. Plus the fact that they were only 18 bucks a piece, AND my mom bought them i love them even more. One is brown w/ pink flowers and the other is white w/ teal flowers. The white/teal one goes well w/ the board shorts i bought when i was in TR. So i am very happy. I also got underwear, so yeah, me and erin now have matching underwear cuz we're hot like that.

Then we went to Target, or as some may like to say, "tar-[zh]ay" where i bought the most ridiculously retarded shirt ever that says "Party On...Spring Break". Yes i know it is dumb but i needed a sheer shirt to go over my bathing suit and this one was only 4 bucks so leave me and party on shirt the hay alone! >:-o lol

Anyways, when we got home, lucky and i ran up to my room at lightning speed as to not miss road rules. The season isn't too bad. But we still make fun of it. haha. Afterwards we watched this HORRIBLE lifetime movie about this girl who cuts herself. All i know is that she was like seriously insane, like shaking and shit, and her parents didn't care at all. They were mad at her for going insane!!! It was so messed up...and the damn girl was so ugly. Her one eyebrow needed to chill the f down and come back down to normal eyebrow level and meet the other eyebrow. It was mucho scary.

So then i drove lucky home at 12 and then called my matty ;-) I don't even know how long we stayed up just talking. I think i went to bed sometime around 4, but thats just a guess. As much fun as it was to talk to him tho, it made me very sad that i can't see him whenever i want to. At least i get to see him tomorrow tho. He is coming to F-town and we are gonna watch a million movies and swing on swings and he is gonna hump the moose tree....lol i can't wait.

Ok..well i think i'm gonna clean my room now cuz it's a disaster area.

Question: Whats ur favorite store?

Mood: anxious....
Music: Simon and Garfunkle - Mrs. Robinson (been stuck in my head for 24 hours now)

Sunday, June 13, 2004

hola. So i figured i might write a post since i'm bored outta my mind.

Friday night i got NO sleep. Actually...i got 4 hours. Which is nothing at all. Seeing how i got 3 the night before that....thanks to someone...lol jk. But yeah so Saturday just sucked cuz i was tired all day. the only thing that made me happy was getting to talk to matt a few times on the phone and then at night when i went to bed at 9:00. Yeah thats right, 9. I meant to get up again at 11, but i slept right through my alarm and straight on to 8:45 AM. So i got about 12 hours of sleep...it was very nice. but who knows what time i'm goin to bed tonight so...thats still up in the air.

Today, after my looong sleep, i went to work. Pretty boring again i spose. We've had this total bitch come in twice in the past two days and she drives me insane. She doesn't respect any of us and just does anything that is humanly possible to annoy me. I should kick her in the face, but i guess i'm too nice for that.

Anyways...since i got home i've done nothing. Actually, i watched the new Six Feet Under. Damn it was good. They threw in some twists that i really liked..6FU is back in action :)...Also I talked to matt again on the phone. I like him. He's funny and sweeter than a reeses peanut butter cup dipped in hot fudge. And greg is to thank for it all. ;-)

Question: Whats ur favorite movie line?

mood: i asked my mom and she said my mood was laxidaisial...i don't know what that means but she wants me to get up and put my laundry on so i shall do that.
music: Santana and that guy from the calling - why don't you and i

Saturday, June 12, 2004

Ok. this is a fair warning. This blog will be long cuz i have had actual interesting things happening and i haven't posted on here. sooo...God bless in advance if u read it all.

June 5th, Saturday.

I worked. It sucked cuz my aunt, her bf and my grandma came out to visit us and celebrate my dads bday. (yeah he turnd 55 "double nickles as he liked to say) SO i missed out on that party. Buut, after work i went to the Midtown concert w/ anton.


I <3 midtown. And Gabe and Tyler. Rob is cool. Heath is tolerable and funny but still quite the horse. Also Armor for sleeop was great of course...and who could forget Runaway orange? They asked me to be their friend on myspace so i feel cool now. :)

Midtowns best performance came w/ songs like empty like the ocean and other stuff from the new album. That thing rocks. And gabe was so happy to hear everyone singing all the words to the new stuff. He was so proud of his jersey kids....and i think we were proud of him too...*sniff* lol jk.

Skid Row. Midtown is electric.

And yes Anton and I got along just swell at the show. We made fun of NFG. We sang Hanson. Anton got dissed by rob. We ate McDonalds. We got siicck posters for only a buck each. All in all, a fund time was had by all.

June 6th, Sunday

I hate work.

June 7th, Monday

Screw you work, I'm going home.

June 8th, Tuesday

I had to get up at 8:30 so I could go to the eye doctors and get my eyes checked and dialated and stuff. I haaaate going there. I know i'm like blind...so why must they exploit it and make me look like a retard. I do not know. Anyways, it turns out i need a strong perscription, but he's not giving it to me cuz he thinks it's too strong so...go me i guess. by default.

Anyway then at like 3 Matty D came to pick me up. Who is matty d u ask. Well, he is Greg K's. best friend and Matt and i decided it would be nice to surprise him w/ a visit from none other than urs truly. Matt is awesome cuz he drove an hour and half here and back just for this special visit. We are also the king and queen of WaWa pit stops. haha...

Sssooo...we finally arrived in Toms River and greg was like ur so dumb u shoulda just told me. And we were like w/e. We r cool. We then went to dinner at the Beachwood diner. It was yummy :) Then we went to Pt. Pleasant w/ Julianne and Nick to meet nick's gf haley (if that's the spelling...) We chilled there for a while. Matt met this girl he met off of myspace there and she turned out....well lets just say she must be a photoshop whiz. Oh well.

Then we had our sleepover. Me. Matty. Greggy. Matt and i thought that 2 in the morn was a good time to start a movie, so we watched Cheaper by the dozen. Lame, but great movie. And we quoted it for the next three days. And will continue to. and u can't stop us...hahahaha. :)

June 8th, wednesday

soo...even tho we kept greg up all night we still all got up early so matt and greg could get to work at 10. We all got there and then i called Dana so she and i could chill while they worked the Kohr's stand. She came around 12 i guess w/ her friend Gina who was really sweet. we laid out on the beach and it was very nice even tho i ended up burning. The ocean was nice too even tho it was fa-reezing. Still a nice cool down from the blazing sun...haha

Then dana, Gina and I went to Amy's buffet, a chinese buffet thing. It was all really good and not too much money so that was good. :)

Then dana dropped me back at matt's and we went food shopping...we got THE best watermelon ever in the world there.

after returning from our adventure The three of us took another adventure. We went to some places. I know we went to wamart. And then matt took a water gun and sprayed cars as we drove. lol. Then we ended up at their elem. school and we played then took a secret hike in the woods and ended up at McDonalds. :) We also did some other stuff but it was all just messing around and only important to us i guess lol

So then we decided to go down to seaside. There, me and matt played DDR and totally sucked but it's all good fun. Then the old man there started hitting on me...lol jk. He was a very nice guy tho and gave us som free crappy rings. Which i used to marry matt w/ lol.

Then we went down to the other end and i met Dan and his gf nicky. They were both very nice. We all went to an arcade and got some tickets and stuff to get some more crappy prizes with, but the best prize of all was when matt got me this turtle thing...>>>

Yeah. Simon is his (boy) name. And when he feels like being a girl, it's Lucy. Don't make fun of it's dialated eyes, or elephantitus infected legs...only his parents can do that. Cuz we are a dysfunctional family. And we like it like that.
Anyways tho, it was very sweet of matty d to get me our love child turtle. ;)

Then D+D. wow. we gotta lotta stuff. dozen donuts. lattes. bagel. It was disgusting. but good. :)

Soooo then back to my temp home....where i once again didn't sleep. Talkig all night w/ matt. Greg got pissed at us and left at 6. eh...whatcha gonna do. Finally went to bed at like 6:30/7.

June 10, Thursday

Woke up around 2. Didn't get ready till like 5. We burned a cat. thats all i can say really. :)

We went to the boardwalk so i could get my Kohrs ice cream. BOy oh Boy was it good. specially since it was hand made by greg! yum yum. Then we went back to matts house and just chilled...slept a lil then at 8:30 it was time for me to go home :( ...

On the way home matt brought a DVD player so i got to watch cheaper by the dozen again. lol it's such great movie. :) . We stopped at WaWa of course and i had my first real meal of the day.

So when we got to my home matt and i decided to watch I am Sam cuz i have it but never saw it and he wanted to watch it w/ me. IT WAS SOOO SAD i'm surprised i held back my tears so well.

After the movie ended we reached further into our insomniac habbits and talked for another hour. it was like 3:30 and we decided it was best for him to just stay over so he slept on the floor. I made a nice bed for him tho really!

Im not even gonna tell u what time i went to bed lol. It's too pathetic. But i had a nice time staying up still.

June 11th, Friday.

You rock if ur still reading

Anyway. Matt was awesome and brought be to work and got me a lunch. But then he had to leave and my lil vacation was officially over. I had so much fun tho...i can't wait to go back and visit again. Work sucked as usual.

Erin picked me up and we chatted. Then i ate dinner and she picked me up to go to thee ice cream shop. I shouldn't have eaten the ice cream. At least it was the non-fat vanilla...only w/ reeses pieces and pb sauce. lol. diet what? aaanyways. Then i got like stared down by this guy outside the shop...he was all like helllooo. And i didn't know him but i said hi. And then he kept looking at me and smiling. It was kinda scary cuz it was dark and looked like he belonged in brooklyn. eek. thats all i have to say.

Thheeen i came home. So that is my past week. I found it to be interesting. Sorry if you didn't...but comments are greatly appreciated...:)

Mood: happy.
Music: Modest Mouse - float on; Hanson - Penny and Me; Simple Plan - I'm just a kid

Saturday, June 05, 2004


tomorrow is midtown. ridiculously excited X 3728492765 = me.

Pumpkin seeds and peanuts.

yesterday i went to somerville w/ jaime and i got an effin awesome tank top from goodwill. So not only did i only spend 4 bucks on something cute...i helped people. I deserve a peace prize. jk. Just a pat on the back will suffice.

Somerville is good. Except the vintage store owner threatens your life if you touch the sacred p.o.s doll house. Don't ask me why. But i was tempted to put a hat on jaimers and take her picture just to see if the guy would jump me.

I need a new hobby. Any suggestions?

Hurr cut soon. Right. bangs? golly gee. wooow.

Russ came into work today and i swear the kid is on crack. I told him i was a communications major and he started laughing like a hyena and told me he's been communicating w/ people all his life. I said ok. I think he scared my mom. Somehow i was the only one there that was able to put up with him besides Angel (his best friend) who even left me with him for long periods of time and then finally just told him to leave lol. Oh well. He's a good kid tho.

I just read number 7 in Cosmos: 16 things not to blab on and on about:
#7: Your agonizing decision over whether to get bangs. Two words: Who. Cares.

lol...i'm awesome.

I am feeling sappy right now. Excuse me for it haha.

Ok i'm done blabbering at the request of cosmo. Maybe an early bedtime tonight.

mood: excited
music: Midtown - waiting for the news
Armor for sleep - phantoms now

Wednesday, June 02, 2004

Well hello. Didn't see you there. Well I'm just sitting here, talking to pplz online and stuff.

Who thinks I should get a new Layout for the old blogger? Leave Commentz.

In other news...umm I've been working a lot! Haha what else is new. Actually. Funny story about monday, I asked this spanish guy for his home nubmer before i started ringing him up, and he obvioulsly ddidn't know what i meant, so he was just like, "telefone? Eh....Johnny!" lol. Like i should know his number cuz he's johnny. Nope, sorry johnny. Then he started giving me what i'm convinced were random numbers cuz he paused for like a minute in between each number. Oh well. Spanish ppl are funny sometimes. I wasnted to be like..."chicken sandwich?" haha. yeah u get that if u saw South park.

So Erin came over monday night. We just chilled in my room and looked at things online. Nothing too exciting but still fun. Damn...something really funny happened. I can'r remember what it was tho. Oh now i remember. Dave Couliar (sp) came to her school and she called him Joey Gladstone..at first...and i was like "JOEY GLADSTONE!!!" cuz i couldn't remember who that was...then I realized that it was his characters name, so i thought she meant it was the name of a band and not actually Dave Couliar...so i'm like wait there's a band named joey gladstone? thats so cool! Then she informed me that it was in fact not a band, but the actual man who played Joey Gladstone. Damn i should be a blonde sometimes. :-/ haha

So...wow i'm off tomorrow. I've been looking fwd to tomorrow for forever and a day. well...really since last thursday when i started my nonstop working. :( I've got two days to rest up...then friday work...and saturday too, but then i get the best reward...seeing Midtown and AFS! Excited = me.

So anyways. I think thats it. Tomorrow is DDR/tye dye/chicken pizza/something else day w/ Tyke and Lucky. There really is something else and i forget what it was now. Hopefully i'll wake up early enough to do these things...although i'm extremely beat. Oh well, i'll give it my best shot. I also must go to my old elementary school and give them coupons for the "share the savings" event at the Bok. Oh Bok. Why must you rule my life? You and ur ugly velour shorts and shirts for men. Ay. But i do love your hibiscus board shorts. *sigh* whats a bok girl to do these days.

K let me stop talking like the bok is my lover. That may be a sign that I'm getting desperate. lol.

Mood - beat
Music - Gary Wright - Dreamweaver