Saturday, November 29, 2003

ok. lets hope that my internet doesn't go away again (this is still at home)

welll i wrote a big update on wednesday and it all got erased. so now its saturday and i don't feel like recapping...ok no i will. but like a sentence for each day up to wed.

fri- jeff and i went shopping at garden state mall. big mall. lots o' fun.

sat- borders + cvs. more shopping

sun- slept mostly all day

mon- symposium for effective speaking. actually informative about my future. cool cuz it counted as my final.

tues- class then something corp show. Mae is awesome- cd is wanted for christmas :). RX bandits cool too...until after their third song and then they all started meshing together. :-p Rest of the nite we stayed up till around 5- played halo and sucked more than the snatch w/ the tank. But it was still fun!

wed- packed and chilled all day. My dad came at about 6 and i drove home from there. lots of trucks but got home safe and pretty quick. Rebecca and Charlie came home around 8. Went to shoprite at 9:30 for some last minute stuff. Came back to watch south park then charlie brown thanksgiving. Everyone was tired so we went to bed soon after. OH but found out my other aunt had the triplets on today. Nicole (3lb 3oz) , Samantha (3lb, 4oz) and Jaquelyn (3lb 5oz). All good weights for triplets. They are reallly long tho for some reason. I heard that i think samantha got moved into the reg. room. im going to visit in two weekends to see them.

thanksgiving- watched some parade. did family stuff. My aunt and her bf and my grandma came in the morning so lot of ppl were there. Ate some very good food. Tyke and Erin came over. We all watched friends, then at 9 started playing cranium. The game went forever but my team won (which was me, tyke and erin at first, then they left at the end so i finished w/ my aunt and bf and still won). Once again tired so we prolly went to bed around 1ish. I talked to rebecca a bit before bed but then we fell asleep.

friday- rebecca and charlie left really early, like 8. everyone else left by 11ish. I then went job hunting w/ jaimers and met up w/ erin and anton for a little while at borders. then jaimers and i got lunch at panera where we both got confused on who's orders we got. we saw a lot of central ppl tho. i bought some stuff, then we went to reebok where i was informed that ooofff coooourrse francis hired too many kids and now i really do need to find a job. so we went to jockey and jaimers and i both handed in applications there. i think it would be cool to have a job w/ jaimers tho :)

Then that night me, jaimers, dennis, viv, erin and anton went to fridays. It was actually pretty fun i think. last time we went to dinner i thought it was boring...maybe cuz there was too many ppl (actually meli is the only person who wasn't there...but that table was huge i guess) but this time i had fun.

Saturday- got awoken by dennis' phone call about goin to the phillips' house (it's ok you didn't wake me up too much dennis haha) i then got dressed and stuff and my dad and i went to home depot to get our christmas tree. we usually go to tree farms, but there was no izzy to make it secure enough for a long drive so we just went closer. Then i went searching for tree preserve at shoprite and saw kelly baxter haha...then came back home just to go to the phillips' saw a few ppl like kate and bethany and courtney. not to many others from young life. But it turned out that me jaime and dennis just talked to the phillips' for a long time. we didn't leave till a little after 5...and we got there around 2:30. So then i came home, ate dinner, decorated the tree and just watched a bootleg version of mystic river. It was a pretty good movie but the quality was so awful.

Now i'm watching Saturday night live...i knew this a while ago but don't you find it odd that kenan (like kenan and kel kenan) is on snl? Ack and Justin is hosting. how weird. i think this is the first time. wow britney is beating him. =:-0 haha i really don't care. ok well i'm gonna go. peace out all you cub scouts

shout out topic: how are you getting money over winter break, if at all?

Friday, November 21, 2003

aaaaayyy eh? (canadian fonzi)

well whats been going on in the fascinating life of reese? I dunno. I skipped eviromental studies on thursday cuz i didn't do my paper and basically i hate the class anyway. Later that night i did finally write my paper that night and i think it's pretty good. I'm gonna put it in her mailbox later w/ a note so i don't get marked late if i can. Then that night i was just bored for it cuz nothing was really going on. The only thing i did was the "dorm storm" where you go around knocking on people's doors collecting food for the food pantries and stuff. I went with two girls from IVCF, Fae and Jenzi, to Oak. I was glad cuz i want to live in Oak next year (it's two people and it's probably the most space any dorm room has) so i got to look inside some rooms briefly. The most interesting part of it was when i we were on the first floor and I happened to knock on this kid Grant's door, who went to central, but is a year older than us. He recognized me and we started talking a little. The funny thing is that he told me he lived in pine last year, in rm 302, which is literally right across the hall from me cuz i'm 301. I found that very coincidental. But i dunno it was cool to see him again and actually talk.

So as i said, then we came back, i went to late night with jeff and ppl from ivcf. Around 2 i think Jeff and i watched the end of Back to the future 3 cuz it was on TBS. Then sleep.

Today I haven't done much. I woke up around 2 and now it's 4. We got lunch before and now im back here eating the popcorn meli sent me in her care package a while back. I'm happy for it cuz i just bought the same popcorn at the roadrunner cafe and it was stale. So then i was like wait! meli sent me the same popcorn! And hers was not stale so that's a YAY for meli (whatever that means)

So now i would basically just like to address the fact that i have no idea who i am rooming with next year. Amy and i get along fine, but i just talked to her last night and she said she might be transferring...and i think even if she doesn't, she'll prolly end up rooming with one of her friends from yeah i dunno about that. Then there are a few girls in the suite that i wouldn't mind and would be able to room with. One is Nicole, cuz she is rooming with Ashley and i have a feeling they won't be rooming together next year. Then either Susan or Merideth cuz even tho they are rooming together now, i don't know what is gonna happen next year...i haven't even asked though. Then as for outside the suite there is this girl Jenna in my enviro studies class and we get along pretty well, and in my effective speaking class this girl laura who i get along with too. I dunno. It's starting to stress me out a little cuz for some reason i don't have a lot of girl friends. I seem to become better friends with the guys here a lot easier, i's not that i can't become better friends with the girls. I'm just with jeff a lot more so we hang out with his suite and guys that he's friends with. Sigh. Lol i need a friend. haha just kidding...but i do in the same way. Well i'm gonna end this sad story and leave you to yourself to shout out and make me feel better...

Wednesday, November 19, 2003

Sooo i'm wasting more time by not writing my paper and writing in here instead. This is just what happened monday too. Only i had two papers to write and even though i had all day to do them, i decided to wait until i had 20 minutes before class started to write them. Yeah...i'd say thats procrastination for ya...

Tonite is my wednesday line up. I don't think i'm gonna go to bible study tonight cuz it's really rainy out and basically i should be writing my paper now and then we're gonna watch lord of the rings (two towers) extended version cuz it came out yesterday. So tisk on me already cuz i know i'm not gonna end up goin. :(

So yeah i have a lot of pointless crap on this page. I know that very much so. But you don't understand how bored i get somedays so i'll just spend hours looking for cool new html codes to put on my blog. I've never actually had a webpage that i could do this kind of stuff with so it's really all just a learning experience and i really don't care if you think i'm being cheezy by doing it...i like it!

So what's been happening? Monday night i wasted the day away doin stuff on here, then i went to class, where, for the first time ever we got let out like a half hour early. That never happens for that class. She must have had something better to do for once haha.

Later that night we watched the patriot...which was sooo bloody. Ok i know it's a war film and should be bloody...but i really can't take it. A cannonball shoots a guys head off. let me say that again. A CANNONBALL SHOOTS A GUYS HEAD OFF. It was freaking disgusting. Ick. At least I had Jeffs shoulder to hide behind cuz i think i was gonna throw up sometimes.

On tuesday i didn't have english but i went to this thing about JFK that my prof. was speaking at. It was actually really good. Never knew all the things that went on right after the murder. My prof is like an expert on JFK so he's really good at speaking about it and making it interesting.

Later that night we watched Full Metal Jacket. I've seen the beginning of it and i thought it was gross and i really didn't want to see the rest, but they coaxed me into it and i watched it. Still very bloody...some of it was a little strange..we all agreed the song selection made no sense but w/e

Then after the movie i come back to my room to find a bunch of stuff happened and Amy was getting questioned by the police. It wasn't her fault any of it. This girl that a lot of people can't stand (including me) called the cops on her friend when originally the girl we hate started it by hitting this guy for no reason. W/e she is retarded for calling the cops on this girl and i hope she is the one that gets in trouble cuz she deserves it.

Today i went to class really tired. I didn't go to bed till about 4 and getting up at 10 was no fun. Plus the class ran later than usual..but at least i did my speech and got it over w/ so now i don't have to wait two weeks to do it.

The rest of the day not much happened cuz i was so tired so i slept for a while. I got pics back that my mom sent to me and they are good. Mostly they are from the ppl here so i'll show you f-towners them if we get together over t-giving weekend.

So now i am here and i just ate before. Putting off my paper still. This guy Jim (who we call Big Jim cuz his roomates name is jim too haha) just told me he is gonna burn me a copy of the beatles "let it be...naked" which just came out yesterday. He's doing it mainly cuz i helped him w/ his schedule and even held a class for him cuz the class only had 3 spots left. I think that is so nice of him! It's supposedly really good so i can't wait to hear it.

Well tonight i'm just gonna watch a lot of tv i spose. And the two towers....hopefully i'll be doing my report sometime during all of this. :-\ hehe ok later skaters

Question of the day: what is your favorite war movie?

Monday, November 17, 2003

sorry i forgot a question for that entry. drum role peeze....

Question: What's ur fav part of NYC? (Or least)

Well this weekend interesting...

Friday i dunno what happened... i went to class and then jeff and i saw our best friend Al.

Saturday. I slept the entire day cuz jeff and i were too tired to get up for the bus to NYC

Sunday...We actually went to NYC and had a lot of fun. We went to Maddam Tussauds wax museum and took a bunch of pics...even tho i can't find my first role, there are still a lot of good pics on the second role. We also went to rockafeller center and saw the ice skater and the big tree. It has no lights up yet but i never saw it in person before and i'm sure i'll see it again this winter. We also went to St. Patricks Cathedral and it was soo pretty. Huge place too. We went in a few stores on times square (The mtv store, Virgin megastore, Toys 'r' Us) and they were all cool places. I can't wait to go back again and do more cuz it was a lot of fun and i loved being with jeff all day.

Jeffy pop means so much to me. I am so sorry for the hurt i caused you. I hope to God that we can get passed this, and i really think we can cuz we're stronger than are my baby...:) :)

Friday, November 14, 2003

I just put a tagboard over go and use it cuz i only get it for 6 days until i find a new one. I think i'm taking off the other thing cuz no one likes it haha

Well today was the day for all the ramapo frosh to start registering. Here's my schedule for inquiring minds

Monday- (in theory...->) Fund. of Mass Communications 10-12:30
Math reasoning w/ elementary functions 6:30-7:45
Tuesday- Social Issues 2:00- 5:20
Wednesday - Intro to theater 2- 4:30
Thursday- (right now but will change->) Fund. of Mass Comm 10-12:30
Writing for the media 3:30 - 6
Math reasoning w/ elem. functions 6:30 -7:45
Friday - Nada!!!

So yeah let me explain Fund. of mass communications. Well I have a friend who is holding the monday one for me, because when i tried to schedule it, it was closed. So I will probably make that switch sometime this week. BUT just to make sure i get the class ( i need to take it) i scheduled it for thursday mornings. I would keep it just to have my mondays free until 6:30, but having three classes on thursday doesn't sound to appealing to me in the same reguard. So unless you can talk it out of me i will probably go for the monday one.

I'm glad i changed my math class....originally i was gonna take it w/ a def. good teacher on tuesdays and fri at 10:00...but at seriously the last minute i decided to take an unknown prof. so now i only have one 10:00 class and my friday's off. I think i'll just have to deal with it if i get a crappy prof. I prolly wasn't gonna get the math class anyway cuz there was only one spot left in it.

So anyway today was a rather cold day. I didn't like going outside so i didn't really. The one class i had today was ok for once because we technically all cut from 2-3:30 unless you didn't go back at all, cuz then all you had to do was take the tes at one and then leave. So it was nice not having to sit through her boring lecture for once.

After the stress of scheduling and all that, i came back to the room and took a very nice nap. It was from i guess....4:30 to 7 haha. I didn't even plan to sleep that long, i guess i just haven't gotten a lot of sleep lately. Now it's 1:30 in the morn and i'm not tired at all. Well i guess a little...but nothing i can't push off.

Everyone right now is at some ZBT party. dana asked me to come w/ them today but i really just felt like chilling here and not abandoning jeff, even if he is stuck doing his sociology paper all night.

Well i guess that is all for now. 2 Questions:
1) Ramapo peoples- do we have classes together?
2) everyone else (and Ramapo kids)- Who is your favorite Friend (and i don't mean in real life)

Wednesday, November 12, 2003

Well the only thing that changed in my "exciting monday line up" was that i went to the IVCF meeting much earlier bcuz Patty, the leader, wanted me to come down earlier to see what i've been up to and stuff like that. Then after the meeting i went to the workshop which is always a waste of time, and i walked in fasionably late...tho not as fashionably late as andy, who decided to take a shower at 6:30 (when it started) and got there at least 15 minutes after it started haha. I did enjoy the end though when i won two pieces of candy for yelling out the answers to insanely easy questions. I'm glad to know what kind of car a realistic person drives, and what an enterprising person likes to watch on TV. It's good information to know for life. =:0

I watched Finding Nemo with jeff monday. I know i sound cliche but, what a great movie! Ellen is great for the voice of Dory. "Just keep swimming! Just keep swimming!, swimming swimming....!" haha such good stuff

speaking of movies....everyone go see Elf! you won't be disappointed, you can't help but laugh at Will ferrell, and the movie is just enjoyable because i really think it's starting the holiday season off right. So if you love Christmas, and to laugh, go see Elf now!

Well tuesday was a blast! just kidding...umm i went to english...and the only real purpose there was to get our papers back (woo hoo i got an A :]) and then came back to eat lunch with jeff and greg. I then, instead of napping for the next three hours played Tekken...Andy and i unlocked two new characters (then that night jeff got another one, and today i got two more). It's fun doing that over again :)

Then i went to choir which wasn't as boring as usual because we sang songs that we know pretty well now. I tell everyone about how we're singing camptown races...the sad thing is i am really starting to like it. It's 15 pages of diff. arrangements and there are some really cool parts in the song. It's a little dumb to sing a folksong i guess but it's pretty cool still. I just really hope she is gonna give us some more christmas music cuz the concert is less than a month away...

Today I went to class and it was also very pointless. All we did was hand in our outlines and then he talked about each one outloud. He pissed off this kid Ian in our class though...very scary moment. Ian didn't have his outline i think and our prof. yelled at him and Ian said he'd go do it now, so our prof asks him when he'd be back, and Ian said as he was leaving "i don't know if i'll be back". I know our prof can be rude but i think he is pretty nice underneath it. He had his reason, it was an easy assignment and a lot of ppl either didn't come or didn't do it and he was upset by that. But Ian walking out was a little scary still.

So this is getting long. I haven't done much today since then. I played some tekken and got two characters unlocked. I think our floor had it's inspection today cuz i was in jeff's room when they came by, so i asked tunde (RA) if they came to our room and he said yes. I don't see any warnings tho so i guess that's good, or he's lying, cuz i swear tunde does that a lot. Oh well, i don't think there is anything bad here, except for the broken computer in our suite, but no one knows what to do w/ that.

Later my children, but first, tell me this: what's your favorite Christmas movie?

Monday, November 10, 2003


Well Sunday was pretty routine...We left my house around 2:30 and got to the school an hour later. Then I saw Jeff and went w/ him to the laundry room where the washer had decided to not wash his clothes. Oh yeah then we played Tekken 2 and Jeff cheated and then we played Mortal combat and Jeff cheated (this time by stabbing me with a sword and letting me bleed to death and there was nothing i could do about it) so basically Jeff is a cheater (at video games). Later that night we watched Simpsons and then me, dana, nicole, merideth, Franco and Todd played Cranium. We kinda gave up at the very end but i think it's cuz my team (merideth and Todd) we're beating the other team so badly :-p haha

Today i haven't done much yet cuz i basically just woke up about an hour ago. I've slept a good part of the day away, and now that i've taken my shower, i plan to go eat, do some random stuff, go to the IVCF meeting, then to my seminar (which i believe tonight is a sanity workshop) then maybe start doing some of the massive homework i have for seminar. If anything changes in that exciting line up i'll be sure to tell you. pee's out

Pregunta de el dia: what's your fav board game?

Saturday, November 08, 2003

well. hopefully i don't write a bunch of stuff and then get kicked off the internet.

so i barely write anymore i've noticed. i don't know why i wait so long. cuz i check everyone elses but fail to write my own. I'm gonna try to update everyday again. Here's the week:

Wednesday. I went to class then to the meadowlands thing so i could get extra credit for environmental studies. The whole things was pretty boring but worth it for the EC. Jeff went too, and we fell asleep goin home...well i did, but jeff found it hard w/ the mini harlem shouting in the back of the bus. hahaha it was funny if you heard it tho. Then i went to the women's bible study in Butternut, but no one was really there so we just prayed and then played simpson's clue haha. Then that night i was just soo tired but we went and got late night....oh yeah i guess that was the night matrix came out. Greg and punk Greg saw it. PG didn't really like it, but greg did. Then i watched an episode of friends with the greg's and went to bed.

Thursday. oh yeah. weird day. Went to the worst class ever. came back from it and it was dark. Then jeff and i got dinner and when we got back my dad was there to pick me up. Came home and just relaxed. Tried to figure out some more scheduling stuff (it's giving me a headache! but i'm on the right track says jason (John lennon)

Friday. Went to the mall with jaimers. It was definitley a long day there....we got there around 2 prolly and didn't leave till around 6 i guess. But i didn't spend too too much, and anyway most of it was for xmas shopping and to get ideas for what to get ppl. I have some good ideas now i spose. And i've pretty much finished my mom, which is a first for this early. It was nice to spend the day w/ jaimers cuz i haven't in a while, even though i'm sure i will always hang out w/ her cuz she's fun and a who and one of my good friends...even if she is bemused a lot :-p

so then i came home and ate dinner w/ my rents for the first time in prolly two months. its was good pasta, i've been avoiding the school's pasta cuz it usually sucks and i knew i'd be having it today. Then i called jeff and we stressed over having to pick classes cuz they are all slowly closing, or getting close to closing. Then i played outburst with my mom, which was ok, and then my dad came up and started making fun of us...basically my mom couldn't think of the word "wheel" for parts of a bicycle, and kept saying "tire" and she wouldn't stop saying if it was gonna magically appear on the card. I dunno it was just funny cuz my mom is just strange like that. Then when naming planets, she forgot Earth. How do you forget your home planet? I think it's cuz she's not from it. The first one she said was Saturn. does that say something?

Ok well now i'm gonna chat some more and then go to bed soon...Elf tomorrow with my daddy! woohoo! hehe

Question of the day....Who is the easiest to shop for christmas gifts, and who is the hardest to shop for in ur life?

Tuesday, November 04, 2003

So last weekend was a lot of fun. Jeff and I went trick or a good amount of candy I think seeing how we are prolly too old to even be trick or treating...haha it was still fun anyway. It was sad though because a lot of the kids around his town weren't even dressed up but trick or treating anyway. I talked to Erik about this for a bit (he dressed up as a leprechaun again...good for him!:-]) and he said it's a fading tradition. I think i'd have to agree a bit...but then again maybe i just don't see it as much cuz i'm getting older. Oh well. My memories of it are good so i'll just keep em thanks.

Saturday we went to the Eastern State Penitentiary. For those of you i didn't talk to about this with, it's an abandoned prison in Phili. Basically they made it into a haunted house type thing and it was really scary. I screamed so much any time someone even touched me. Of course Jeff decided not to hold my hand at one point and i ended up holding the hand of one of the ghoul persons. It was so scary cuz he kept following me and asking me why i was trying to hold his i basically just screamed in his face and told him i wasn' i am such a loser yes. But anyways it was a lot of fun :)

Sunday we all went to church and then went to six flags...I keep forgetting we went there cuz all we did was go on the elvira ride (which is a lot better when you don't hold on at all) and then waited for 15 min on the incredibly long line for superman, then said screw it and me, jeff and his bro kevin went on the teacups. Then we came back to his house, slept for a while, then headed back to ramapo. All in all a very eventful weekend :)

Monday flew by cuz i don't know why. I went to the IVCF meeting and it was pretty good. Topid this week: Is Jesus the only way to Heaven? I'm not gonna go into detail on here about it, but if you wanna know what he was saying i'll talk to ya about it. This wed. is a womens bible study so i'm gonna try to go to it if i can find it haha.

By the way...i think i have to register for classes soon but our damn teacher won't help us so now i have to set up an appointment that i don't know where to go for exactly :-/

Today ummm well i went to class. English class that is. My professor is obsessed w/ my story i handed in two weeks ago and emails me in code. He told me today that it's "creative writing". I think it's a little creepy. But whatever.

Oh yeah jeff and i watched Back to the Future III. I like that movie. Makes me want to watch the other two again.

ok now it's time to be a poser and complete jaime's survey. This is turning out to be a long blog....(by the way i was just gonna do the end of it...but jaime told me to do it all so here goes....)

in the last 48 hours, have you:
01. cried: no (yay!)
02. bought something: with flex! haha
03. gotten sick: no
04. sang: yes i annoyed greg with jingle bells during lunch...and i will be in 1/2 hour
05. eaten: yes
06. been kissed: yes
07. felt stupid: i don't know...probably
08. wanted to tell someone you loved them, but didn't: no :)
09. met someone new: maybe haha
10. moved on: maybe?
11. talk to an ex: yea
12. missed an ex: no
13. talked to someone you have a crush on: yes and he knows
14. had a serious talk: yes
15. missed someone: Yup
16. hugged someone: yes!
17. fought with your parents: no...i might tonight tho!!haha i dunno
18. dreamed about someone you can't be with: no

social life
01. best girl friend: erin
02. best guy friend: jeff
03. boyfriend/girlfriend: Jeffy pop
04. hobbies: i won't consider them hobbies anymore. I am just lazy and do them to pass the time :)
05. are you center of attention or the wallflower: both
06. what type automobile do you drive: Ohhh Izzy i miss you :( haha
07. what type automobile do you wish you drove: so many...i like the passat tho and sometimes i like the kia sportage
08. would you rather be with friends or on a date: i like both...with friends then turn into a date? maybe?
09. where is the best hangout: Birch! haha or J. Lee's beating Jeff at air hockey
10. do you have a job: The bok sometimes...hopefully a new job in the summer
11. do you attend church: so confusing...sometimes
12. do you like being around people: yes usually

01. have you known the longest: besides parents? well...Rebecca...then Tyke
02. do you argue the most with: corey hyland lol
03. do you always get along with: Rebecca
04. is the most trustworthy: Jeff
05. makes you laugh the most: it's a tie...Rebecca, Lucky and Jeff
06. has been there through all the hard times: Rebecca
07. has the coolest parents: Ok my mom is sooo nice you must not forget this! Meli's dad is cool, erin's mom for taking so much verbal abuse from her...haha
08. has the scariest siblings: Ya know i wouldn't say scary...but like almost invisible cuz i never see viv's bro. Don't see a lot of dennis' millions of bro's and sis's either. I'd have to go w/ Dennis tho cuz his bro tricked me once into thinking he was dennis when it was brian
09. is the most blunt: Erin...and Greg haha
10. is the smartest: Viv...and Jonny Kim!

01. who is your role model: Rebecca and my mom
02. what is some of your pet peeves: people who are dirty...i don't know..more but i don't feel like listing
03. have you ever liked someone you had no chance with: i guess so
04. have you ever cried over the opposite sex: yep
05. do you have a "type" of person you always go after: it used to be blonde soccer players. I dunno if it still is.
06. have you ever lied to your best friend(s): probably
07. ever wanted to get revenge on someone because they hurt you: yep
8. would you rather be dumper or dumped? neither
09. rather have a relationship or a "hookup": relationship
10. want someone you don't have right now: nope i have him
12. do you want to get married: yes
13. do you want kids: yes, 2 or 3
14. do you believe in psychics: bah says it nicely jaimers
15. do you believe you know the person whom you will marry at this point in time: dunno
16. what is your favorite part of your physical appearance: my smile or eyes
17. what is your favorite part of your emotional being: listening...trying to offer patience and advice
18. are you happy with you: sometimes
19. are you happy with your life: in some ways, yes
20. if you could change something in your life right now, what would it be: it would be parts of my past

[ current clothes ] jeans, 3/4 sleeve shirt and my wildwood sweatshirt
[ current mood ] i have to pee
[ current music ] umm "This is my united States of Whatever!!" w/e the real title is
[ current taste ] kiwi strawberry snapple
[ current make-up ] the usual, cept no eyeshadow
[ current hair] just down...feels wet for some reason
[ current annoyance ] my head hurts and i need to brush my teeth
[ current smell ] my bed
[ current thing I ought to be doing ] uhh going to class? haha

[ current desktop picture] Matchbox Twenty
[ current favorite group ] Something Corporate, Matchbox Twenty, Yellowcard
[ current book you're reading ] The Bible
[ current CD in CD player ] Silverchair
[ current DVD in player ] lol Titanic!
[ current color of toenails ] metallic pink
[ current refreshment ] kiwi strawberry snapple
[ current worry ] that i'm gonna be late to class
first best friend: Stephanie
first real memory of something: My Grandparents house...prolly my birthday there when Ernie showed his pee pee
first car: The Izzy!
first date: umm Devin at the coffee shop
first job: The bok
first screen name: Pnuttycup (notice no 85?)
first self purchased album: Ace of Base
first funeral : My Grandpa's
first pets: Raph and some fish...
first piercing/tattoo: my ears
first credit card: can we say debit card?
first enemy: lauren bernard
first big trip: Florida...oh mom and i went to Ohio once i don't remember it well tho
first play/musical/performance: whatever that pirate thing was that tyke was marmalade for
first musician you remember hearing in your house: beatles
last cigarette: never had a first
last big car ride: umm florida with erin....oh man that was long
last good cry: umm last week sometime
last library book checked out: one flew over the cuccoos nest
last movie seen: Back to the futre III
last beverage drank: I've said it twice you should know by now
last food consumed: lunch (grilled chicken, cus cus and mashed potatos)
last phone call: voice mail
last tv show watched: TRL now...but i actually concentrated on Made
last time showered: this morning
last cd played: dunno...the orange county soundtrack
last annoyance: that i'm still gonna be late to class in 5 min
last disappointment: not goin on nitro at 6 flags
last soda drank: umm prolly pepsi at jeff's house
last ice cream eaten: vanilla with butterscotch ripple
last time scolded: umm in the email my mom wrote
last shirt worn: before this was my nightshirt....i don't even know i guess it was blue

wow that was long. ok i gotta go to class that now starts in 4 minutes. later ppl. oh yeah. Question of the day: What would be your question of the day?