Tuesday, June 29, 2004

Well i was told by Rich that i must update...this is silly because i have to get up in...4 hours...i'm so dumb why am i not sleeping. ayyy...

Ok well here we go..speed up date. Friday i was off. i did ablsolutely nothing. Sposed to chill w/ meli and jaimers and erin and viv and it didn't happen. next day

Saturday i worked. la dee da.. Got home and then i went to jaimers and from there we went to the bar/restaurant that meli works at. it was nice to see her but seriously the guys at the bar were really scary cuz they stared me and jaimers down as we walked in. I'm talking like full turned around and watched us walk all the way to our booth. It was really creepy. But then we just chatted and had mozz sticks that were really good. Afterwards we went back to jaimers' house and talked some more about everything...nice to catch up w/ them as always :)

Sunday i also worked. I got home and i watched Bad-der Santa w/ my dad. It was actually very funny. Billy Bob Thortan is really good at playing gross, drunk losers. lol. And the kid was funny :-p

Monday....well since Rich wanted me to write this i'll yell at him for not coming out! He was supposed to visit this whole week but it turned out he couldn't stay as long so it wasn't worth it...even tho i think seeing me (after a whole year of NOT seeing me) should be worth it enough :-p

Anyways i went up to ramapo w/ vivian and it was cool. It was her first time there so thats good for her :) She'll have to try to come up there when were in school! Then we went to borders and got stuffed pretzles that were realll good. Then i went home and went to shoprite and stop and shop w/ my momma.

Ok tonight erin and cayce came over and we watched bug juice. I love to hate that show. Ok i've really gotta stop writing. I gotta get up at 6 am to go to Newark w/ my dad and then go to the shore w/ matty!!! I am so 'cited to see him and greggy and julianne!

Ok time to go. G nite. Hope ur happy rich.

mood: silly
music: Incubus - talk show on mute


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