Thursday, June 24, 2004's a marvelous night for a moondance :)

that song has been in my head for like the last three days...

speaking of the last three days. What's been goin on. hm. Actually it's been like 5 days since i posted lol. w/e. lets do it.

Sunday = fathers day. I worked. Gave dad his gifts. Got chinese food. bummed. 6 feet under. exciting huh?

monday...unfortunately; worked again, came home and lucky came over. We watched road rules and....*drum roll* the return of Bug Juice!!!! We are the biggest losers ever, but seriously, that show cracks us up. It's reruns which is great cuz they had the real winners on for that season. Ya got Sarai the brooklyn Bi-otch. (don't be clique-ay!!) Caitlyn the depressed fat firl. Conner and Hasaan (ok yeah they are actually worth watching :-p) Then of course the grand loser of all, LUNA. This girl is like 30 and bragging that her life has consisted of camp since she was like 14 years old (probably younger) and does Arts and Crafts. Guys must swarm after her. blech.

Aight. Now tuesday, i got the enjoyment of having Matty come over. It was kinda a crummy day out, but we got lunch at Panera, then went to shoprite to get some watermelon then brought my mom to the deli to play some lotto. we played some scratchoffs...we did pretty well w/ them but didn't win any big $$ :( lol oh wellz. Then we just chilled the rest of the night. I know we played sequence and TriBond and i lost a lot. Oh yeah and we took a walk to Carvel (which closed on us! bastards!) so then we just got mcflurries instead. Not as good as carvel, but still satisfied the need.

Next day, (wednesday) it was a lot nicer out, so matty and I went to the pool. It was very nice. a lil chilly but still nice. Then we ate some lunch and watched orange county. After that i decided to take him to the mall so he could see it. We basically just browsed and went into Brookstone and the Sharper image and sat in all the massage chairs :-D It was quite fun. Oh yeah and as we were leaving I saw Derek Holzer and Erin Looney, so i stopped to talk to Derek for a minute. It made me miss seeing him everyday lol...He was our second block buddy...all year second block was me anton and derek. We were a team! lol. Oh well. He seems to be doing good which is nice to hear.

So then we came home and we ate our watermelon and stuff. I looove having him around. Sucks that he's so far away...oh well. once school starts things will get easier...right!? right.

So it's thursday. I worked 10-3. Came home and did nothing. I talked to a few ppl i haven't talked to in a while like courtney from choir (even tho i HATE her lol jk) and Erik. Then i went to linens and things w/ madre and got a new fan. It's on right now and i likes it.:-D We also went to Carvel and i got a very fattening ice cream thing. It's like choco ice cream and reeses pieces. Ay yi yi. I craved.

I miss my ramapo kids. :( I want a car. Warped Tour please come. I haven't seen Allison and Alyssa for a long time. I wanna have a game night. I'm goin to Long island next week.

that is all. Leave love.

Question: What do u want to do right now?

mood: sleepy
music: Van Morrison - Moondance


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