Tuesday, October 26, 2004

It's been a week I thought I'd post. Hmm what was good this week. i went home tues and wednesday...came back just in time on wed night for class. Wednesday was good...i just did errands all day w/ my mom tho pretty much lol. then at night was the yankee game...i went dormstorming and it took up my whole night :( :(

Thursday bah who knows. Oh yeah i had tests in both spanish and west. stud. ratty stuff. then i went to a debate after my west. stud class. weird boring but interesting i guess. Oh yeah but matt came up that night and we went w/ greg to stateline diner...then after we went up to overlook and chilled, then over to tam J to watch harold and kumar go to white castle. It's usually like movie night every thursday there which is cool. I really hope they can get garden state soon. :)

Friday I had to work a double. This kinda made me mad only cuz i was working the night for this girl Lisa, who had to go to a memorial for the girl that died recently on our softball team. So since i am nice i worked her shift for her, accepting her offer to work sunday night for me instead.So i work it and all then the next day i went to work hoping to see Lisa so we could straighten out her working for me sunday night and.....she doesn't show up. So basically that means she is fired, seeing how she didn't even call to try to explain herself. This happens all the time i know but i was just upset cuz that meant i had to work sunday now and I wasn't really wanting to. BUt i was a trooper and worked the whole weekend. Friday night scottie and allison came to visit me so that was cool. Saturday i made a lot of money cuz we were crazy busy, and sunday was rather boring cuz, well it just was.

Yesterday, Alyssa and I went to the mall. I think it's becoming a ritual that i go to the mall every monday. I don't know why it always happens. I guess cuz i come out of the weekend not having done anything but work so i need to go to the bank and do other stuff. yesterday i didn't buy much...i got a halloween costume sorta. It's just bunny ears and a lil cotton tail and a fake carrot. I only got it cuz we are supposed to kinda dress up on halloween at work. The one girl Liz told me u usually get better tips when you do anyway. so i might try to find some makeup too so i have a bunny nose and whiskers. tooo cu-ooot. lol.

Oh yeah and last night me, alyssa and allison watched American psycho. Scary, yes. But Christian Bale made the movie sooooo good. I think we have to go watch all of his movies cuz if he can make me like a serial killer, then he's gotta be doin something right. right?

So far i've just been to work today. Hopefully i shall be eating soon cuz i'm one hungry mother effer. then class later and i'm not sure what i'm doing after. :-/ oh well leave some comments pplz!!!!

mood: hungry
music: saosin - i can tell there was an accident here earlier (alyssa's been playing it a lot and it's good)

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Hi my friends. I've decided to blog for the time being. I am going home tonight, so i need to pack within the next hour...I'm excited to go home tho cuz i haven't been there in almost 2 months now! Tomorrow I'll be spending the day w/ momma cuz she's off so we'll probably just be running errands and stuff...but still a good time. :)

Yesterday i had class in the morn and then I went to the mall w/ Allison and Alyssa. I was really happy cuz i got this sweatshirt from Old Navy, i really needed one too. It's dark blue and says Huntington Beach on it...which is my lil tribute to HelloGoodbye cuz it's where they are from. But truly it was just nice and warm and it's a cute sweatshirt. I also got some new earrings and jewelry stuff to wear to work cuz i hate just wearing hoops all the time. Style is important at work!

Then at night, I went to see Team America w/ a whole bunch of ppl. Todd, Anton, Doug, Josh, Greg (that lives w/ todd and them), Rob G, and John who lives next door to me. I actually went to eat lunch w/ John yesterday cuz he was going by himself so i thought i'd be a good friend/neighbor and eat w/ him. He told me about how he got arrested for speeding (and by speeding i mean...i think it was around 150 in a 55 zone...yeah..!!!) He's a nice kid tho, a good person to have next door. Plus he brings us bread when we're drunk at 3 in the morn... awww :)

Oh yeah but the movie....it was pretty funny. You have to have a sense for really stupid humor to like it definitely haha. And if you get really grossed out by fake throwup i don't suggest it lol. But there were some def good, funny parts so if u like that south park kinda humor go for it :)

Saturday and sunday.... Saturday we had our midterm in jazz class. It was dumb. PJ hates us as usual. Afterward me, alyssa and allison went to IHOP. Pictures:

then i went to work...had a horrible time cuz we were soooo busy. Sunday was a lot better at work cuz it was more calm, and i had anton, doug and greg (once again the one that they live w/) come and visit me. I love visitors!!! People really ought to do it more :) :) Also i talked more w/ this one host guy Jared and i found out we have a lot in common and that he's 17 although he looks like he's 20 something...lol it's crazy just a bit But yeah he's def. a cool kid.

Friday night I went to NJIT to visit matt. We had a pretty good time, I ate in his dining hall for the first time. They had really good chicken..I don't like the fact tho that once u leave the place for food you can't come back in :( I like me some seconds!!! haha jk i was fine tho.

Oh yeah and thursday i watched Napoleon dynamyte at Tam J. It was a lot better the second time, and i can't stop quoting it...GOD!

Ok well like i said i am going home tonight, after my scriptwriting class. It might be pointless and i'll probably wish that i skipped but oh well. Good thing i like the prof and class or else i'd be outta here already.

Time for me to go a packing...leave comments...please? ♥

mood - cozy
music - ben folds - annie waits

Thursday, October 14, 2004

hi hi everyone. I'm in the middle of wasting my day away so i thought HEY why don't i blog??? You don't hate it. :)

so lets see what is new...last weekend i worked...same old same old. Monday i had class and then me and alyssa went to the mall and we got some clothes to wear for wed....

tuesday = work and class...gym at night

Ok so wednesday. Most def. the highlight of my week. Me, allison, alyssa and our frosh friend Erin went to the Avalon in NYC to see the drive thru showcase...this was a showcase of The Early November, Hidden in Plain view, HelloGoodbye, Steel Train, Halifax, I can make a mess like nobody's business, Socratic and An angle. It was a great line up. We missed an angle and (unfortuantely) socratic cuz we were def. late getting into the city. Buuut then we got there just in time to see I can make a mess, which is Ace's from TEN side project. It was amazing and oh so sensual. :-p haha

After that was Halifax. I like them, but i wasn't really into watching them so i decided to venture off to the merch tables and buy some stuff. I ended up talking to Steve, who is the merch guy for HelloGoodbye for the whole set. I also bought a HelloGoodbye backpack and this awesome HiBye shirt where M from HiBye drew an original drawing on it where he put, me, him and steve underwater. It is awesome :) But it was a lot of fun talking to steve, he is a good egg! And i also talked w/ PJ who is the merch guy for the early november...he was small and funny, i saw him a few times throughout the night too.

After that Steel train was up but i was having more fun shmoozing my way around so i felt bad that i missed them cuz i really like steel train...but they are gonna be on tour w/ hellogoodye, and socratic so i'm def gonna see them then so it's ok. Anyway so during steel train we went and talked to Miking, the socratic merch guy. Why the hell do i look like i'm obsessed more w/ the merch guys rather than the bands themselves? haha. I'll tell u why. Cuz the merch guy is the backbone of the band. And they actually like talking to you. I like talking to them as well. Go merch men! hahaha

Oh yeah but anyway i did talk to more than just the merch ppl. I had my backpack and all so after i had my merch boys sign it, Forrest from Hibye and duan, kevin and vinny signed it too. It's hard to pick a fave signing. I liked mikings cuz he put a little crown on top of his name haha. But then steve drew himself saying "we are friends!" which was cool too. once again... go merch guys for bringing the originality.

So now after all this it was time for hellogoodbye to come on. I love them so much haha. They start the best dance parties in the world. and forrest has sen-sual legs...look at this. this was like his exact outfit last nite....except a diff shirt...but yeah those shorts are for real:

So then HIPV played....i can't believe how many times i've seen them after only hearing about them last april. like i've seen them 5 times already. thats insane. But they are good. And i'm probably gonna go see them again when they go on tour w/ midtown :-D

Finally, The early november came on....allison and i got sweeeet spots up on the balcony to watch them from above. The performance was AMAZING me and allison were screaming the words and dancing to it all. i looooved it. It was a great way to end the show. :) :)

Afterwards was an afterparty which unfortunately reallllly sucked. A good amount of the bands stayed i guess....but the entertainment was horrible. They had this rap band that was soooo bad...we were in shock. Then they had this llaaaaammmee stripper thing. Like it was this 4 girls who were supposed to be hot...one of them had this huge gut that just made everyone want to throw up. then they would take their bras off but they had like electrical tape over their nipples....the guys in the bands that were left were all yelling and getting pissed and being drunk. it was funny but it was so lame at the same time...we were like why are we still here?

Even tho it was a lame party, it was still cool just standing around talking to some ppl like miking, steve and then kenny from houston calls was there and chilling w/ us cuz he knew erin pretty well.

We ended up getting home rather late and i went to bed at like 5. Therefore today i have been a realllly lazy bum and just sitting here on the comp. I skipped my morning class. I haven't even showered yet and it's 4:30. And i feel so gross especially cuz i had a drunken vinny from socratic hitting on me and spitting in my face. Oh dear. But i am wearing an ultra cool early november shirt that i got and joe signed for me and allison. :-p haha ok that was lame i know but i had to get it in there :-)

ok well i def had a lot of fun last night. I should also mention that having allison and alyssa there was what made it even better. Allison and i started singing frank sinatra and dancing while we walked down sinatra blvd. We are so much fun. 227 for lyfe :) :)

well maybe i'll go take a shower now :) and do my hmwk...leave comments dammit!

mood: lazy but happy :)
music: ???? all the drive thru showcase bands...go listen to them!!!

Thursday, October 07, 2004

Another week, another post.

Still no car. But i've been getting by w/ a little help from my friends...aka greg. I've been borrowing his car pretty much since he sprained his ankle and couldn't really go anywhere's anyway. Tomorrow he's bringing me to work tho cuz he is able to drive again, although he's not fully healed...

last weekend i worked so much. But i made a wicked sweet amount of money. Therefore, yesterday i went to the bank and deposited 350 bucks. One thing about the Mason jar is that i end up getting a whole lotta loose change. So much that it overflows my wallet and purse, and i must get rid of it. So while i was at commerce i decided i would use that penny arcade thing. So i pour my change into it, say it was about 10 bucks. Then i get to this screen that says i didn't pour any change in at all. i'm like ok what? so i get the workers there to figure it out and they all go to work at it while i fill out my deposit slip. Finally they realize that someone jammed a soda tab into it... so they got it working again....

Now the point to this story is that they kept giving me weird looks, especially when i told them that this change was just from my purse and that i didn't bring it in a bag or anything. So they put all the change thru the machine, and give me the reciept. When i look at it, it says that there was 60 dollars worth of change i just gave them. Now i know for a fact all of that was not my change. But since no one was around to say that it was theirs, score one for me. In fact score a lot for me cuz i just gained like fifty bucks for freaking being there at the right time. So needless to say, that kinda made my day. =D

What else. We went to club bliss tuesday night. It was a lot of fun. All of my friends were there so it was a good time for all...

I dunno what else to say? I've listened to waaaaay too much ashlee simpson. She has the worst songs ever yet i seriously know all the words to them. Example:

"You make me wanna la la
in the kitchen on the floor
I'll be a french maid
When I meet you at the door
I'm like an alley cat
Drink the milk up, I want more
You make me wanna
You make me wanna scream"
-Ashlee Simpson "la la"

Then there is a song about how she used to hate jessica but now she likes her. I'm so happy for her. Really.

And now I'm listening to a song by the starting line about how he lost and/or wants to lose his virginity. It's not something i want to picture.

So i guess thats all...I haven't seen matt since sunday but i do wanna tell him to feel better cuz he possibly fractured his hand....crazy kid. luv ya babu.

Well thats all for now. As always i will sign off about laundry....

I have to go do my laundry. later.

mood. tiredish
music. the starting line - bedroom talk

Friday, October 01, 2004

it's been a week since i posted. basically cuz i was sad that i had no comments :( and it will probably happen again.

Ok here is the truth on how i feel on everyone's blogs on my list.

Erins- Ok well she is actually a livejournalist, but i'll include it. Anyways, i do find lucky's interesting, although sometimes i forget to check all the blogs in general. but i do like to keep updated on her life cuz i'm so damn busy all the time i never get to talk to anyone :(

Jaimers- Jaimers updates rarely. A lot of times it's quizes and stuff, but i do read it all when she writes about her life cuz that too is pretty interesting. I don't really care too much for the quizzes tho haha :-p but i still luv ya jaimers

Antons- Usually quite good at making me laugh. I didn't read that last post cuz....i dunno. I'm sure a lot of u did but everytime i click on it i don't feel like reading it haha. Otherwise tho anton's blog is pretty good

Meli- I used to be pretty good w/ reading meli's but lately i haven't read it too much cuz i am so not up to date on meli's life that i have no idea whats going on. I'd rather just talk to her hehe.

Phil- I wish phil updated more than anything.

Greg K- he should update more too

Greg S- he started updating at the end of the summer and stopped now. I think it's cuz his comp broke. It will be more interesting now tho if he updates cuz he's back at ramapo and IM HERE. lol

ok everyone else i can't remember. moving on
*ok i just looked:

viv- every once and a while i check hers. I know she updates a lot and it's good to read hers but i like never check the blogs lately so i forget...but viv puts up a good one there, even tho it makes me sad cuz she stresses about school a lot :(

erik- erik has updated. I liked his last post a lot too. go him. Erik i miss him.

Alyssa and alllison are fighting over who would save my life first if jason was trying to kill me. :)

i want to be a good waitress. Even tho i make a lot of money either way

hi my babu. :)

I don't have a car cuz it's in the shop getting fixed from the lady that slammed into me. :( Props to greg for being my chauffeur. :) thanks greggy!!!

ok i just remembered my laundry is in the dryer still :( i should go.....so bye!

mood: tired like woah
music: echo screen - run home jack