Just another maniac monday...and tuesday
Monday i worked...long time. I was sposed to be 12-3 originally and then it got changed to 10-3 then i get there and she had me there till 6. It was a long day but at least i got more money :-p
So American Idol has premiered. For me this makes me happy. I enjoy the show. Here are some of Greg and Jeff's comments on it:
Scorpio9298: american idol is a joke
Scorpio9298: People go watch your American Idol, if I had any talent at all, I still wouldn't be on that god foresaken show. Fuck Clay Aikens and his faggot, penis, loving ass.
Scorpio9298: fuck american idol
Auto response from Scorpio9298: American Idol can go fuck itself. Gayest show ever. Fox needs to make a show "Fast animals, slow Children." I'll watch that.
...then realizing that greg would only watch AI if the contestants got shot off instead of voted off...
Scorpio9298: here are the rules
Scorpio9298: If your good, you move on
Scorpio9298: If you suck, you get shot.
JEMIK1028: that shows gay
Auto response from JEMIK1028: When will you all realize American Idol sucks and that clay aiken is gay and that season two never should have happened (or season 1 either)
so i think it's safe to say they aren't really the show's biggest fans...:-p
So anywayz today i got outta work @ 3 and since my mom was off we ran a few errands and then went to Chilis for dinner cuz since my dad is in Florida we don't wanna cook. Does that makes sense? to me it does.
Dinner was nice, actually the whole day was nice. My mom and I have been bonding a lot lately..not that we were never close, but the last few days it's just been me and her and i can talk to her about almost anything which is really good. I think i'd be really sad if i couldn't talk to my parents. I mean i don't tell my dad everything but he's not that hard to talk to despite what you may think ;-) It's just a good thing to have especially now.
So the state of the union address was on tonite. I admit that i didn't really watch it. I saw like the first and last ten minutes. I think i'll watch the daily show tonight to see them make fun of it :-p. Well, i hope the talk about it tonight at least. Instead tonite I watched some of that One Tree Hill show. It seems like it's pretty good. Jaimers said it was good and i figured since i see a billion ads for it i might as well check it out. I don't have a clue as to whats going on but i spose i could learn. I don't have a tuesday night show yet either :-p
Rah I want to go back to school. I'll miss not doing work and i'll miss the privacy (i guess- even tho too much privacy can lead to extreme bordem) and i'll miss F-town (WHAAT???hahaha) but there are so many great things about the po that i would take over the boredom i have here. EX:
I miss my room at school
I miss the girls in the suite
I miss our computer speed!!!
I miss the third floor- most importantly Mr. Jeffy Pop
I miss our shower
I miss late nite...not the food really but just going there w/ everyone
I miss the third floor bonding thru cramming everyone into 302 to play beer pong and avoiding the roaming R.A's :-p
I miss playing Halo and yelling at Greg and Jeff to stop killing me!
I miss watching Family Guy and south park to all hours of the morning
I miss sleeping w/ Jeffy pop and being an honorary suitemate of 305
I miss making fun of Andy and being threatened to be tackled even tho I could SO "tackle his aaass"
I miss Mark being an ass to me (lol wait....)
I miss watching movies w/ jeff and Greg^2 and getting scared
I miss saying HI TODD!!!!
I miss saying Hey Roger (to Ryan)
I miss Fivel, 301s (not so) pet mouse
All in all. I miss the Po.
This is going to be really long. here is a poem written by my friend Ricky (real name ryan :-p) just cuz i thought it was cool and he didn't give me a clear answer on weather or not i could put this in my blog or not... anyway here goes:
From the mind of Ryan Babiak comes "Winter Break" (applause)
Good ol' New Milly, it aint always pretty,
This break had some high points while others were shitty,
I sat around being lazy while Christmas was crazy,
Made money at the cages but not with a grin,
Drank on New Years with old friends at the Holiday iiiiiiiiin,
Saw familiar faces, visited old places
Played pool with the guys,
Got lost in my girlfriends eyes,
Shot hoops with Shanto, JImmy, and Vic,
Watched crime movies all night (Goodfellas was sick!)
White Castle, the movies, New York and all that,
Then everyone left and it was me, Al, and Matt,
The break was a blast but you all must know,
Spring semester is gonna kick ass back at the 'PO!
Ok this was really long. Not really tho it just looks like it cuz i made a lot of lists and put some quotes in there. But thanks for those who stuck it out lol. Later amigos and amigas